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Discover Your Purpose Through Astrology and Shadow Work

Discover Your Purpose Through Astrology and Shadow Work

Astrology and shadow work have played a major role in my personal and spiritual growth, and they were pivotal in getting me through some of the darkest phases of my awakening. I have also witnessed first hand the transformative power of merging these two practices to help guide others toward self-discovery, healing, and personal growth. So I invite you to join me on a profound journey that connects the ancient wisdom of astrology with the profound exploration of the self. Together, we’ll explore the symbiotic relationship between shadow work and astrology and unveil the cosmic mirror that reflects the deepest aspects of our souls.


Rooted in the teachings of psychologists such as Carl Jung, shadow work involves the courageous exploration of the unconscious and subconscious mind – the uncharted territory where suppressed emotions, desires, and memories reside.

These shadows harbor our fears, insecurities, and unprocessed emotions, casting a veil over our true selves.

Engaging in shadow work involves bringing these aspects into the light, acknowledging and integrating them to achieve a more authentic and balanced life. By shining a light on these hidden aspects, we can unlock the most radiant parts of ourselves.

The Dance of Shadows and Stars

At first glance, shadow work and astrology may seem unrelated, but when we explore the depths of our birth chart, a fascinating connection emerges. Each astrological sign and planet corresponds to specific archetypal energies, mirroring the diverse facets of our psyche.

By analyzing the positions of celestial bodies at the time of our birth, as well as current day activity, we can unveil the cosmic map that guides us through our earthly journey. Each planet, sign, and house contains unique energies that shape our traits, strengths, and challenges.

So, how do these two seemingly unrelated practices intertwine? Imagine shadow work as the flashlight guiding you through the dark corners of your psyche, and astrology as the cosmic map highlighting the terrain of your soul’s journey. Together, they form an interdependent relationship that deepen self-awareness and foster healing and growth.

What is Shadow Work?

Psychologist and psychoanalyst Dr. Carl Jung coined the phrased “shadow work.” He was also an astrologer who popularized personality archetypes related to the zodiac signs. So many of the personality tests that we know about today are based on his work – from Myers Briggs, Strengths Finder, even the Enneagram (which layers in more esoteric sciences).

His work is what inspired my approach to astrology – using it as a mechanism to see how the shadow shows up in different parts of our lives, why we push it away and how to work with it.

Dr. Carl Jung talks about the concept of the persona in relation to the shadow. That we develop personas to appear more acceptable to society and to uphold our various identities. Shadow work is the process of learning to acknowledge and integrate the parts of ourselves that we deem unacceptable or unlovable, that we don’t like, are ashamed of or don’t understand so we can release our reliance on these identities.

What is Astrology?

Astrologer Chris Brennan describes astrology as “the study of how celestial and Earthly events are connected or correlated.” As above. So below. Celestial bodies (planets) aligned in the sky and the miracle of You resulted here on Earth.

Astrology is an ancient system that dates back thousands of years that offers a celestial roadmap to self-discovery. The positions of celestial bodies at the time of our birth create a unique cosmic fingerprint, shaping our personalities, strengths, and challenges. By understanding our astrological birth chart, we gain insights into the cosmic energies that influence our lives.

There are many different astrological branches and systems that serve different purposes. The branch that we will be focusing on in this article is called natal astrology.

Natal astrology is the system of casting a chart to divine information about an individual’s personality, character and life experiences. We can also layer the planet’s current movements (referred to as transits) onto a natal chart to see what area of life and aspect of the self is being highlighted in this moment in time or at this stage in an individual’s life.

When transiting planets “light up” or come into contact with your natal placements, the energy of that planet can be felt

What is a Natal Chart?

A natal chart is a snapshot of the Cosmos at the exact date, time and location of your birth. It shows the signs the planets were in at that auspicious moment. It also reveals your rising sign or your ascendant, which is the sign that was “ascending” on the eastern horizon when you were born.

Your Ascendant a.k.a Rising Sign

Your ascendant is arguably the most important of your big three (Sun, Moon, Rising). Your ascendant represents your unconscious mind. It has a lot to say about your natural proclivity toward life. It is the lens through which you see the world and how others view you before they actually get to know you.

Your ascendant sets up your entire chart and determines which signs rule each of the houses in your chart. The sign of your ascendant rules your first house – the most personal and vital house in your chart because it is all about You.

Don’t worry, I will dive into houses a little later in this guide. For now, just remember, ascendant = first house = Me.

Your rising sign can only be determined with an accurate birth time. If you don’t know your birth time, don’t fret. A reading can still be quite powerful and resonant without the birth time because, in many (not all) instances, the planetary placements in the signs will still be accurate.

Astrology can get dizzyingly complicated really quickly. I’m going to do my absolute best to keep it simple. I promise.

Now, let’s delve into how different aspects of astrology align with the realms of shadow work.



The Building Blocks: Lunar Nodes, Luminaries, Planets, Houses, Signs and Aspects

Astrology unlocks insights that combine to form a set of “instructions.” They are the lunar nodes, the luminaries, the planets, the houses, the signs and the aspects.

Lunar Nodes, Luminaries & Planets

The lunar nodes reveal what we have and what is needed for our Soul’s evolution. Personal and transpersonal planets and luminaries represent different aspects of yourself.

Planets and luminaries are more privileged (exalted), happy (domicile), challenged (detriment) and disadvantaged (in fall) in certain signs and houses. We’ll get into the signs and houses shortly.

Imagine a house as an area of your life. Let’s use your career (10th house) as an example.

Planets in Exaltation (Powerful)

In an exalted state, you would have the perfect job that perfectly matches your skills with more than enough resources to go above and beyond what is expected. You would be part of or in charge of running a well staffed team of passionate and capable professionals. You may feel like you could do this job with your eyes closed because you are so well suited for it. You may even be a bit over qualified for this role. While this is a powerful place to be, it can also create blindspots and a sense of over confidence which could lead to reckless and careless behaviors that compromise your position.

Planets in Domicile (Happy)

When you feel at home in your job, there is a healthy amount of comfort and contrast. You feel both challenged and confident in your ability to figure things out and make it work. You are celebrated, clear about what is expected and you have systems in place to get things done. Your team is growing, people are happy, collaborative and focused. You have the resources you need to thrive and you feel supported by senior leadership. Nothing beats the comfort of home. Which is why it’s important to continue to find ways to challenge yourself to avoid complacency.

Planets in Detriment (Frustrated)

In a debilitated state, you are in a job that you are qualified for; but your work style is at odds with the company culture. You may be a strategic planner; but the company needs someone who can move quickly and think on their feet. You have the skills to do the job; but your approach to the work will be in constant conflict with the way the company operates. At this company, your natural strengths and authority become a liability.

Planets in Fall (Challenged)

In this position, you have the skills and qualifications to do the job; but you don’t feel taken seriously. There is a nagging insecurity that looms over you. You see your peers succeeding and being celebrated for their contributions but do not receive the same recognition. There is a very real sense that you do not belong; but you can’t determine where that feeling is coming from. Is your belief that you are not good enough affecting the way you are seen or are others neglecting to see your value for some reason beyond your own control?

The beautiful thing about astrology is that it provides a solution for every challenge it reveals. It is full of paradoxes. Strong and happy planets can lull us into laziness and overconfidence. Sad and weak planets can push us to find new and creative ways to overcome our shortcomings or persevere through challenging situations.

As I mentioned earlier, planetary movement can be “felt” because when personal planets get “lit up” by transiting planets it can bring things into our conscious awareness. How much this impacts us depends on the level of resistance or receptivity we have to learning the lesson, embracing the opportunity or facing the challenge.

In addition to the Lunar Nodes, there are 11 celestial bodies that I feel reveal the most about who we are (the seen and unseen), our potential and our opportunities for growth. Let’s take a look at each of those.

The Lunar Nodes

The Lunar Nodes are the two points where the Sun’s apparent orbit intersects with the Moon’s orbit. The North Node beckons us toward growth and purpose, the South Node encourages us to liberate ourselves from past patterns.

North Node

The Liberation Path

North Node Astrology

The North Node represents the path of growth and evolution in our astrological chart. It points toward the qualities and experiences we are meant to embrace and integrate in this lifetime.

Working with the North Node in shadow work involves stepping into unfamiliar territory, confronting challenges, and embracing the lessons required for our soul’s evolution. By aligning with the energy of the North Node, we move towards our highest potential and purpose. The North Node is the path that unlocks ease, flow, freedom and purpose. When we lean into it, life gets a whole lot sweeter, noticeably sweeter. It’s the simple path; but it’s not always fun.

South Node

The Manifestation Path

South Node Astrology

The South Node represents where we’ve been, what we know and the talents and gifts we have developed or inherited in previous lifetimes. The South Node is what we tend to excessively fall back on when we are fearful, uncomfortable or uncertain.

While the South Node gifts us with familiarity and skills from previous experiences, it can also harbor tendencies that hinder our growth. Shadow work with the South Node involves recognizing and releasing patterns that no longer serve our evolution. By acknowledging the shadow aspects associated with the South Node, we free ourselves from repetitive cycles and open the door to transformative change.

The Luminaries

The luminaries aren’t actual planets. They are keepers and distributors of light. The Moon (the Body) and the Sun (the Spirit) represent the dance between the light (visible) and shadow (invisible) aspects of our personality.

The Moon

The Mother/Feminine
Moon Astrology Glyph

Domicile: Cancer

Exalted: Taurus

Detriment: Capricorn

Fall: Scorpio

Glands: Testes, Ovaries

Function: Reproductive System

Energy Center: Sacral

The Moon is the most personal planet because it is the closest to the Earth. There is a belief that the Soul passes through and collects the energy of each planet before reaching the Earthly plane in the following order: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury and finally the Moon.

The Moon holds our memories – from past lives, from our ancestry, from our time in the womb. The Moon represents the body, embodiment and the things we are not conscious of, yet react instinctively to.

She reveals how we were nurtured and nourished by our mothers or feminine caretakers before we could independently care for ourselves, and as a result, how we nurture and care for others.The Moon is our anchor. She grounds us in our physical reality. Everything we do is filtered through our Moon placement. you, You. The Sun and the Moon fall into this category as well. They are the most personal. Jupiter and Saturn are considered social planets – a subcategory of personal planets because they deal with how external influences (people, resources, situations, etc.) influence who we are.

Engaging in shadow work with our Moon sign involves exploring childhood wounds, unresolved emotions, and patterns that influence our emotional well-being. By nurturing and understanding our emotional landscape, we pave the way for emotional healing and growth.

The Sun

The Father/Masculine
Sun Astrology Glyph

Domicile: Leo

Exalted: Aries

Detriment: Libra

Fall: Aquarius

Gland: Pituitary

Function: Hormone Distribution

Energy Center: Crown

With the exception of the Moon, all of the personal planets in your natal chart receive their instructions from this Sun. The Sun organizes their placement. And while the Moon is pretty autonomous in her travels away and toward the Sun, the level of light she receives and emits is completely determined by the Sun. The Sun leads. It is the spark that ignites consciousness (Spirit) within matter.

The Sun represents You in totality; but it is not all that you are. Similarly, your body is a physical representation of You; but you are far more than what can be seen and observed with the five senses. Where the Sun shines in your natal chart reveals the quality of divine intelligence that has been gifted to you. It illuminates what makes you stand out and how you were divinely designed to radiate and light up the world

The Personal Planets

Personal planets are the ingredients that combine to make you, You. The Sun and the Moon fall into this category as well. They are the most personal.

Mercury, Venus, and Mars govern communication, love, and action, respectively. Each of these planets represents different aspects of our relationships and drive.

Shadow work with Mercury may involve examining communication patterns and addressing unspoken truths.

Venus encourages us to explore our relationship with self-love and worth, while

Mars pushes us to confront our assertiveness and aggression.

Integrating these shadow aspects leads to healthier connections and a more balanced approach to life.


The Messenger

Mercury Astrology Glyph

Domicile: Gemini, Virgo

Exalted: Virgo

Detriment: Sagittarius

Fall: Pisces

Gland: Thyroid

Function: Metabolism

Energy Center: Throat

Mercury is the second fastest moving planet and fittingly represents the mind, mental agility and communication style. Mercury is referred to as “Messenger of the Gods,” because he travels so closely to the Sun and sits between the Sun and the other planets. It is believed that he gets divine intelligence from the “Gods” (the planets) and conveys these ideas and intentions directly to and through us.

The Sun represents the divine intelligence that is bestowed upon us (what we know). The Moon is how and where we store this information (how we feel). Mercury is how we process, communicate and distribute it (what we say).


The Lover/The Warrior

Venus Astrology Glyph

Domicile: Taurus, Libra

Exalted: Pisces

Detriment: Aries, Scorpio

Fall: Virgo

Gland: Thymus

Function: Immune System

Energy Center: Heart

Venus represents love, sensuality, magnetism, what we find attractive and, potentially, what makes us attractive to others. She also signifies what we value, what is needed to manifest the physical reality that we personally define as beautiful. Venus represents the “extras” that make life a sensuous and comfortable experience – music, art, adornment, regality, food, money, intimacy, vanity are all Venus’ domain.

Where she rests in your natal chart can signify how you connect to all of these things and the role they play in your life. Venus also shows how feminine energy can and is available to express through you. Venus can be the Lover (Morningstar) or the Warrior (Eveningstar) – using her instincts and wilds to create what she desires in a myriad of both traditionally and non-traditionally feminine ways. She reveals the depths of our ability to give and receive love.


The Hero/The Warrior

Mars Astrology Glyph

Domicile: Aries, Scorpio

Exalted: Capricorn

Detriment: Libra, Taurus

Fall: Cancer

Gland: Pancreas

Function: Digestive System

Energy Center: Solar Plexus

Where the Moon represents our unconscious instincts – reactions that don’t always have a clear point of origin or reason – Mars represents our conscious instinctual actions. Mars is how we direct our energy toward or away from people, situations and things in our external environment. 

Your Mars placement can represent where you may recklessly go to extremes and resort to dramatics. It can also underscore the innate drive that forces you into action, gets you out of bed in the morning and catapults you into greatness.

Mars reveals your natural energy cadence and your level of access to that energy. He is raw passion, impulse and manifestation through sexual energy. 

The Transpersonal Planets

Jupiter and Saturn are considered social planets – a subcategory of personal planets because they deal with how external influences (people, resources, situations, etc.) influence who we are.

Jupiter and Saturn guide our paths of expansion and structure. Jupiter’s shadow may involve recklessness or overindulgence, while Saturn’s shadow might manifest as fear of failure or resistance to change.

By navigating these shadows, we learn to embrace the opportunities for growth (Jupiter) and build a solid foundation for lasting success (Saturn).


The Expander

Jupiter Astrology Glyph

Domicile: Sagittarius, Pisces

Exalted: Cancer

Detriment: Gemini, Virgo

Fall: Capricorn

Gland: Pineal

Function: Hormone Production

Energy Center: Third Eye

Jupiter is known as “The Greater Benefic” because he amplifies whatever he touches. But more isn’t always more. Jupiter in your chart will reveal where you have certain privileges and things allotted to you. It’s where you will be endowed with blessings if you are ready when opportunities present themselves. Jupiter can also represent where we have blindspots and where we risk falling into the traps of entitlement and overindulgence.

Where Venus represents money and physical abundance, Jupiter represents wealth and spiritual attunement. From children, inheritances and alliances to health, altruism and aspiration, Jupiter helps us broaden our perspective of what it means to be wealthy. He reveals what is rightfully ours in this lifetime and what we must do to ensure we are an energetic match for it.


The Teacher

Saturn Astrology Glyph

Domicile: Capricorn, Aquarius

Exalted: Libra

Detriment: Cancer, Leo

Fall: Aries

Gland: Adrenals

Function: Nervous System

Energy Center: Root

For thousands of years, until the advent of the telescope, it was believed that Saturn was the outermost planet in our solar system. That is why it came to be associated with themes like boundaries, maturation (as it is the first planet the Soul passes through on its way to Earth), patience and timing (as it is the slowest moving of the seven personal planets).

Saturn is the Great Teacher and is referred to as “The Greater Malefic” because he is known to deliver harsh lessons on the realities of life. The truth is, Saturn just wants us to buckle down and level up. Where Saturn sits in your chart reveals what you are being asked to master in this lifetime, where you may encounter restrictions and where you must make a lifetime commitment to and apprenticeship and mastery.

The Generational Planets

You will share generational placements by sign with people who are relatively close in age. Uranus spends about 7 years in each sign. Neptune spends about 14 years in each sign. Pluto has an unusual orbit. The time it spends in each sign varies. For example, Pluto only spends 9 years in Scorpio; but hangs out in Taurus for about 30 years.


The Revolutionary

Uranus Astrology Glyph

Uranus is known as “The Great Awakener.” Where it strikes in your chart will indicate the area of your life where you may experience sudden changes or instabilities, have greater or less access to your ingenuity or manifest instabilities due to your desire to rebel against traditions or go against the grain or normalcy.

Uranus can also represent the aspect of yourself that, when connected to, catalyzes an awakening of the Spirit that is so profound it causes you to question the purpose of your existence and rethink the current direction of your life. Where Saturn is slow, incremental growth, Uranus is disruptive, quantum leaps in evolution.


The Artist

Neptune Astrology Glyph

Neptune represents sacrifice. In all of our lives, there is something – a belief, an ideal, a behavior – that we must dissolve for our greater spiritual good. What this “thing” is isn’t always clear to us. Sometimes it’s shrouded in clouds of confusion and cloaked in deception. The desire to merge (with another, with Source, within ourselves) is innate in humans. The challenge is being able to discern that which is in honor of our Soul’s growth and evolution from that which will sabotage it.

Where Neptune hovers in your chart suggests where you must learn to “see” what is real and what is illusionary without the use of your physical sight. Neptune wants to awaken your inner seer (intuition), so that you learn to move in faith and trust in your oneness with Source.


The Renewer

Pluto Astrology Glyph

Like Saturn, Pluto often gets a bad rap. It could have something to do with the fact that he is known as “Lord of the Underworld,” but there is more to Pluto than death, decay and crisis. Because death, whether proverbial or literal, is the mark of a new beginning – a rebirth. Pluto represents both cycles you are meant to end and those you are invited to begin, and generational traumas you may have to endure on some level; but are ultimately here to help clear.

Pluto reminds us that our light is contained within our darkness, our salvation within our undoing. Pluto invites you to release the fear of your darkness so you can see that, when it comes to spiritual transformation, healing ancestral wounds and transmuting pain, it is just as powerful and essential as your light.

Delving into the shadows of Pluto involves confronting our deepest fears, traumas, and the inevitability of change. Embracing the transformative power of Pluto allows us to experience renewal and rebirth, shedding old layers and emerging stronger and more resilient.

The Centaur

Centaurs are a unique astronomical classification. There are hundreds of celestial objects that would be classified as centaurs. In a natal chart reading, I incorporate four of them – Chariklo, Pholus, Nessus and Chiron. Chariklo represents the divine intercessor. Pholus is where we overly self-sacrifice. Nessus is where we connect with and better understand our dark side or our relationship with darkness. Out of this group, Chiron is the one that speaks to me the most concerning healing, growth and ascension. Although all four of these centaurs play a pivotal role in that process.


The Wounded Healer

Chiron Astrology Glyph

Chiron, affectionately referred to as “The Wounded Healer,”represents a gift or ability that has been bestowed upon us as a result of deep suffering endured over an extended period of life, passed down generationally or carried throughout lifetimes. Chiron guides us through Pluto’s transformational initiations, Saturn’s (sometimes) harsh lessons and Neptune’s cloudy transcendental experiences that call back to oneness.

The house that Chiron sits in your chart and the planets that are aspecting it reveals where you have the biggest karmic wounds to heal and where you have the greatest capacity to help others heal similar traumas – even though you may struggle to heal these traumas within yourself.


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The Houses

Houses represent specific areas of your life. There are 12 houses. Each planet in your natal chart will find a home in one of these houses. It will have something to say about the lessons, opportunities, challenges and privileges that are allotted to you in that area of your life. As you know, all of these areas are happening and evolving in tandem.

Natal astrology helps you clearly see how they are all connected, impacting one another and influencing the overall outcome of our life.

Let’s take a brief look at each of the houses, shall we?

Astrology Houses

First House

The first house represents all of You. It is where you emerge in your natal chart. Your ascendant or “rising sign” is found here. This is the sign that was rising in the east when you were born. Because this is the most personal house in your chart, you may find that, in many instances, you identify with your rising sign more so than your Sun. The first house speaks to the condition and characteristics of your body, your physical vitality and life force, your orientation toward the world and your decision making processes.

Second House

The second house represents the material and financial. The resources that were available to you after you were born, your pattern and attitude toward money and possessions and what you feel is worth owning. This house also deals with how you sustain yourself by acquiring the things you need to survive. The second house represents your physical resources.

Third House

The third house represents the day to day – things and people that are ever present, regularly occurring and normal for you. It can also include communication, short distance travel, siblings, primary education, your neighbors, neighborhood friends and the liminal space between long journeys.

Fourth House

The fourth house represents your foundation. It includes your parents, familial structure, ancestors and your home environment when growing up. This house reveals how you were raised and nurtured and your attitude toward these things. Because what you do as an adult is deeply connected to the emotional dynamics you experienced in the home as a child, the fourth house can provide insight into the origins of your emotional temperament and perspective.

Fifth House

The fifth house represents your creative force, pleasure, sex and anything you put out into the world that will take on a life independent from you. While this can be children; and it can also be creative ideas and projects that you “give birth” to and nurture as they grow and mature. The fifth house represents your creative resources.

Sixth House

Similar to the third house, the sixth house represents the day-to-day stuff. However, in this house, we address habits, routines and things that must be done to maintain our physical health and surroundings. The matters that you don’t take care of in this house erode and squander the physical things in your life. This house also includes bosses, employees, small animals and pets.

Seventh House

The seventh house speaks to your attitudes toward and patterns in romantic and intimate relationships, marriages, business partnerships and/or close friendships. This is the house of the descendant – meaning it is the house that stands in opposition to the ascendant (your first house). The first house is the “You” house. The seventh house is the “Other” house – and usually reveals the qualities that we may lack personally; but seek out or are attracted to in another.

Eighth House

The eighth house deals with death, inheritances, taxes, debt and other people’s resources that are available to you. It is where we can see what must be transformed in our lives in order to maintain financial stability, physical and spiritual health and longevity. Unhealthy patterns and lessons around all forms of energy exchanges can be found in the eighth house, as well as windfalls that may come your way. The eighth house represents your energetic resources.

Ninth House

The ninth house is a compass. It gives insight into the overall direction of your life. This is a sacred house that can indicate your desire to seek and discover higher meaning and what is true for You. It includes long distance travel (voyages, pilgrimages, quests), religion, philosophy, divination, magic and ceremony. It is also the house of the guru. The ninth house can reveal your experiences with and attitude toward religious teachers and scholars and the role these figures play in your life.

Tenth House

The 10th house is one of the most powerful houses in your chart – second only to the first house because It sits at the highest point and is the most visible. This is the house of your career, vocation, reputation and how you go about achieving and getting what you want in life. This is the house of the Midheaven, which can reveal what you will be known for and can give some insight into your life’s work (which is not always the same as the career you choose). The 10th house represents the pentacle of You – what it will take to reach your highest highest heights and what stands to undermine that effort.

Eleventh House

The eleventh house is the house of friends, alliances, groups and networks. It is sometimes referred to as the house of hopes and wishes because of its connection to the 10th house. The 11th house speaks to the role friends, groups and networks play in your life and how difficult or easy it is for you to make these connections. Are they a resource for elevating your status and reputation, a means for building community ,an emotional support network or all of the above? Do they fuel your passion and inspire you to do great things or do they drag you down and create difficulties in your life? The 11th house represents your social resources.

Twelfth House

The twelfth house is considered the house of self-undoing, isolation and imprisonment. Where the sixth house is concerned with physical health, the twelfth house is connected to mental health. It deals with the mechanisms that simultaneously help us cope with our fear of the unknown and sabotage our ability to transcend it. This is a very spiritual house that involves the breaking down and dissolution of the ego (the mind), so that we can reconnect to Source. The twelfth house is the most challenging and illusive house in your chart. It reveals the enemy working within you, as well as those working against you.


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The Zodiac Signs

There are twelve houses in your natal chart and each one is ruled by a sign. The signs describe the energy or vibe of a planet and house. It also speaks to the quality and type of resources that are naturally available to that planet and how this gets expressed through you.

Before we jump into the characteristics and archetypes for each sign, let’s do a quick rundown of the two main qualities: modality (quadruplicity) and element (triplicity).


A sign’s modality describes how it functions – its purpose.

  • Cardinal signs are the initiators. They initiate the beginning of the four seasons. In the Northern hemisphere, Aries initiates Spring, Cancer initiates summer, Libra initiates Fall and Capricorn initiates Winter. Cardinal signs want to get things going.
  • Fixed signs continue the momentum initiated by cardinal signs. Their role is to sustain. They represent the height of each season. Taurus season occurs at the peak of Spring, Leo season at the peak of summer, Scorpio season at the peak of fall and Aquarius season at the peak of winter. Fixed signs want to stay the course.
  • Mutable signs change and adapt what fixed signs sustain in preparation for new beginnings. They shift the seasons. Gemini season shifts spring to summer, Virgo season shifts summer to fall, Sagittarius season shifts fall to winter and Pisces season shifts winter to spring. Mutable signs want to shake things up.


A sign’s element describes how it behaves – its expression.

  • Fire signs are the most energetic in the zodiac. For better or worse, they are in a constant state of creativity and change. Fire represents the spirit. The fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
  • Earth – signs are the most grounded in the zodiac. They sit patiently awaiting a reason to change or to be moved. Earth represents the body. The earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
  • Like fire, Air signs are constantly moving and changing. The difference is they operate within the mental realm – exploring, relating and sharing. Air represents the mind. The air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
  • Water signs ebb and flow like waves in response to their environment. In astrology, the water element represents intuition or the feeling sense. The water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Now, let’s take a closer look at the signs, shall we?


The Initiator

March 21 – April 19

Mantra: “I Am”

Aries Zodiac Astrology - Aries Ram


The Sensualist

April 20 – May 20

Mantra: “I Have”

Taurus Zodiac Astrology - Taurus Bull


The Socialite

May 21 –  June 20

Mantra: “I Think”

Gemini Zodiac Astrology - Gemini Twins


The Nurturer

June 21 – July 22

Mantra: “I Feel”

Cancer Zodiac Astrology - Cancer Crab


The Creator

July 23 – August 22

Mantra: “I Will”

Leo Zodiac Astrology - Leo Lion


The Editor

August 23 – September 21

Mantra: “I Optimize”

Virgo Zodiac Astrology - Virgo Virgin


The Diplomat

September 22 – October 22

Mantra: “I Balance”

Libra Zodiac Astrology - LIbra Scales


The Detective

October 23 – November 22

Mantra: “I Observe”

Scorpio Zodiac Astrology - Scorpio Scorpion


The Explorer

November 23 – December 20

Mantra: “I Seek”

Sagittarius Zodiac Astrology - Sagittarius Archer


The Planner

December 21 – January 19

Mantra: “I Build”

Capricorn Zodiac Astrology - Capricorn Sea Goat


The Rebel

January 20 – February 18

Mantra: “I Know”

Aquarius Zodiac Astrology - Aquarius Waterbearer


The Dreamer

February 19 – March 20

Mantra: “I Believe”

Pisces Zodiac Astrology - Pisces Fish

The Aspects

Aspects represent how all of the planets and luminaries are communicating and working together in your chart. Aspects show how everything is connected. They set the rhythm and reveal the timing for major life events, lessons and opportunities.

Aspects are where astrology comes to life and where it can get super complicated. Because I promised to keep this guide simple, I’m not going to dive in too deeply here; but I still want to understand the concept.


Two or more planets in the same sign that are next to one another within a specific number of degrees. This is thought to be a positive aspect in a chart; however it greatly depends on the planets involved and the sign they are in. In conjunction, planets are considered to be more powerful because they feed off of and heavily influence one another. A conjunction can just as easily be problematic as it is beneficial.

Example: A team that is united by one positive member or torn apart by a negative one.


Two or more planets in houses that have complementary elements (I.e. air and fire, water and earth) that are about 60 degrees apart. Considered positive, sextiles act as helpers. Both planets are in their own lane but heading in the same direction.

Example: Two people that work for the same company but in different departments or have the same role in different companies.


Two or more planets in houses that share the same element and are about 120 degrees apart. Trines are considered to be the most harmonious aspect; but like the conjunction, this depends on the planets involved. Generally speaking, planets in trine look out for one another.

Example: Two people that work for the same company, are on the same team and project; but own different aspects of bringing the project to life.


Two or more planets that sit across from one another in opposing signs. Like squares, that teach via contrast, oppositions challenge to grow by expanding our perspective. Planets in opposition want the same things but go about achieving them in dramatically different ways.

Example: Two people in a relationship want to express their value and love for one another. One does this by sharing their innermost secrets, the other does it by giving a handmade one of a kind gift.


Two or more planets in houses that share the same modality (I.e. cardinal, fixed or mutable) and are about 90 degrees apart. Squares are challenging energy. They represent growth opportunities. Planets in a square agree about how to go about doing things; but they want different things.

Example: Team members agree that hiring a contractor to shoulder some of the workload is a good thing. However, one wants to hire a contractor for social media, the other design, the other copywriting, and so on. They struggle to reach a consensus.


Two or more planets that sit in houses that do not share the same element (i.e. fire and water or fire and earth) or modality (i.e. fixed and mutable or fixed and cardinal) and are about 150 degrees apart. Planets that are inconjunct have nothing in common. They are strangers that travel in completely different circles and come different worlds.

Example: A minimalist starving artist who lives off grid; but comes from a large, rich affluential family from whom they are estranged and a tech mogul who was adopted by a middle class single father.

Final Thoughts

Astrology is the language of the Soul. It doesn’t prescribe a certain future, it reveals the infinite potential that exists within you to create the biggest and most magical life you can envision for yourself. It reveals the unique set of tools you have been given and the ones you must acquire to manifest that vision.

If you want to know how to take all that you have read here and learn how to make it work for you, schedule a reading with me.

Remember that the dance between shadow work and astrology is a lifelong journey of self-discovery and growth. By embracing the shadows revealed in the cosmic mirror, you empower yourself to navigate life’s challenges with authenticity and resilience. So, let the stars be your guide, and may your journey through the depths of self lead to the radiant light within.

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