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Activate Your Purpose

(even if you don’t know what it is yet)

the reason for which something exists
If you have found yourself suddenly searching for purpose, there is a reason. You are being called into remembrance of who you truly are and catalyzed by a deep desire for this truth to be experienced, shared and expressed.

Activate Your Purpose

(even if you don’t know what it is yet)

the reason for which something exists
If you have found yourself suddenly searching for purpose, there is a reason. You are being called into remembrance of who you truly are and catalyzed by a deep desire for this truth to be experienced, shared and expressed.

Activate Your Purpose

(even if you don’t know what it is yet)

the reason for which something exists
If you have found yourself suddenly searching for purpose, there is a reason. You are being called into remembrance of who you truly are and catalyzed by a deep desire for this truth to be experienced, shared and expressed.

When people say to me I want to find my purpose, I know there is a simple, yet complex desire that lies beneath those six little words. When I hear the words I want to find my purpose, I know it’s so much deeper than that. When I listen closely through the ears of my heart, what I hear is:

I know that what is really being said is I want to find myself.

What about you?

Have you found yourself saying those same six little words or even asking the question how do I find my purpose?

Do you feel like your purpose is some elusive concept that you just can’t seem to grasp? And no matter how many passions or interests you explore, none of them give you that sense of fulfillment you are craving.

Here’s the thing…

Your purpose isn’t something you can find. Your purpose is who you are.
You can find passions and you can discover interests. But you unlock your purpose by being and radiating the full expression of you. Because, spoiler alert: You are the purpose. Your passions and interests are simply tools to activate it.

Hi, I’m Larissa.

I’m a Purpose Coach. After experiencing a life-altering spiritual awakening in 2018 and a destructive (yet transformative) dark night of the Soul that lasted for over 4 years, I was called to empower awakening humans to step unlock and into their divine purpose.

People like me who have a deep inner knowing that they were placed here to serve humanity, share their gifts and earn a living. People who want to experience the freedom of living and working in alignment and on purpose; but don’t know where to start or are having a hard time getting out of their own way.

Hi, I’m Larissa.

I’m a Purpose Coach. After experiencing a life-altering spiritual awakening in 2018 and a destructive (yet transformative) dark night of the Soul that lasted for over 4 years, I was called to empower awakening humans to step unlock and into their divine purpose.

People like me who have a deep inner knowing that they were placed here to serve humanity, share their gifts and earn a living. People who want to experience the freedom of living and working in alignment and on purpose; but don’t know where to start or are having a hard time getting out of their own way.

About Larissa Nicole

Hi, I’m Larissa.

I’m a Purpose Coach. After experiencing a life-altering spiritual awakening in 2018 and a destructive (yet transformative) dark night of the Soul that lasted for over 4 years, I was called to empower awakening humans to step unlock and into their divine purpose.

People like me who have a deep inner knowing that they were placed here to serve humanity, share their gifts and earn a living. People who want to experience the freedom of living and working in alignment and on purpose; but don’t know where to start or are having a hard time getting out of their own way.

I believe the world needs people with spiritual callings to go all-in on their gifts, to become trailblazers and have more impact.

If you find yourself searching for purpose at this time, know that there is a reason.

You are being invited into remembrance of who you truly are, and you are being catalyzed by a deep desire for this truth to be experienced, shared and expressed.

Simply put: You are waking up.

The astrology of the last decade has prompted a massive awakening within the collective consciousness and within many individuals. If you are reading this, I suspect you are among those who have been called to help create a new societal template that is based on freedom, love, equity, peace, reciprocity and unity.

This is all happening at the Soul level.

It can be felt as a simple desire for change or a deep yearning for realignment. You can choose to ignore this invitation (many do); but if you are tired of spinning your wheels and repeating cycles like:

Keep reading.

To say that I have been there and I have done it all would be an understatement.


Can you relate?

For decades of my life, avoidance was my drug of choice. It’s how I coped, survived and made sense of my life and the world around me. And it worked. Until it didn’t.

On the outside, I had an abundant, comfortable and “successful” life; but my Soul was restless. I felt like something was missing, like I was standing outside of myself, watching myself play a role in someone else’s life.

Once my desire for change finally outweighed my fear of the known, I accepted the sacred invitation to remembrance, the real journey began.

In the midst of this massive upheaval, Spirit revealed my life’s work and a framework to help people just like you do the same.


It all brought me here.

The first “Ah Ha” moment arrived when I realized that seemingly unrelated behaviors and habits are exactly what stood in the way of my purpose because the impact of these things is not isolated.

As above, so below. As within, so without. Every effect has a correlating cause.

Mind, Body, Spirit, Purpose – Everything is connected.

I realized that if I wanted to alleviate the effects of feeling disconnected, lost and stuck, I had to get to the root cause of it. That was the only way I could create the space for my purpose to emerge.

The second revelation came when I realized that there are two phases to purpose.

The being and the doing.

Life Purpose Spiral

The problem is we are encouraged to focus on the doing (the activation) and avoid the being (the integration). And this is why you (I presume) and so many others are caught in an exhausting, confusing and discouraging loop of endless seeking.

But I guarantee you that if you focus your energy on the being, the doing will fall into place. The stress, anxiety and unfulfillment will be a thing of the past. Your purpose will become crystal clear to you and living it will be effortless, automatic and non-negotiable.

The third lightbulb moment happened once I understood that purpose and passion are not the same thing.

People conflate the two; but they are entirely different.

Purpose is “the what.”

It’s what you are here to do.

Passion is “the how.”

It’s the vessel through which your purpose can be expressed and carried out.

The fourth download I received was about purpose paths and archetypes.

I was shown the ways that we all have the capacity to embody and flow in and out of them; but there is one that will come the most naturally and feel the most resonant. 

And that is our purpose.

Life Purpose Path Quad

Uncovering your path before focusing on your passions is the key to getting absolute clarity about the unique contribution you can make to your inner circle, your community, the collective, and ultimately, the world.

Imagine a global society where everyone is aware, aligned and awakened – living on purpose and with purpose, sovereign, collaborative and abundant. Wouldn’t that be amazing?

I truly want that for us.

But to get there, we each have to hold ourselves accountable and do the work.

And, we have to fortify ourselves first. Strong links create an unbreakable chain.

Which is why I am on the path that I am on and why I do what I do.

a little more about me

I began studying astrology 15 years ago because I wanted to better understand the Spirit and evolutionary path of myself and the people closest to me and later became a practicing astrologer.
I became a certified yoga instructor because I want to better understand the connection between lifeforce energy and the body in all its forms.
I became a certified and practicing NLP and somatics coach because I want to better understand the connection between the mind, the body and the manifestation of our physical reality.
All of this while navigating a 20-year career as a marketing leader in corporate America and witnessing firsthand the damage that a disconnection from purpose does to the mind, body and Spirit.
Everything is connected.

These seemingly unrelated paths (and all of the pit stops and treachery along the way) all converged to illuminate my purpose as a guide and inform the framework that I created to get you on your path and empower you to step into your purpose.


Structured to support you as you explore, evolve and expand.

A coaching container for awakening humans with a calling to lead, build and create something … but aren’t quite sure what it is, where to start, or how to do it.


Personal Insights for deeper alignment


Practical Tools for Deep Transformation


Sensory Practices for Heightened Intuition

Learn to work and create in a way that supports and compliments your unique cosmic design

Uproot, unpack and decouple from limiting beliefs, subconscious programming and purpose-blocking patterns

Engage your body as a channel for creativity and a vessel for receiving and sharing wisdom


Powerful Rituals for Energetic Attunement

Sacred Space

Support, Guidance and Vulnerability

Business Energetics

Strategies for Attracting Abundance

Transmute energy and collapse old timelines as you manifest your purpose and the vision you have for your life

Be seen, celebrated, challenged and encouraged like never before as you expand into this next version of yourself.

Discover the building blocks of creating an energetically aligned business that creates impact and generates income.


Personal Insights for deeper alignment


Practical Tools for Deep Transformation

Learn to work and create in a way that supports and compliments your unique cosmic design

Uproot, unpack and decouple from limiting beliefs, subconscious programming and purpose-blocking patterns


Sensory Practices for Heightened Intuition


Powerful Rituals for Energetic Attunement

Engage your body as a channel for creativity and a vessel for receiving and sharing wisdom

Transmute energy and collapse old timelines as you manifest your purpose and the vision you have for your life

Sacred Space

Support, Guidance and Vulnerability

Business Energetics

Strategies for Attracting Abundance

Be seen, celebrated, challenged and encouraged like never before as you expand into this next version of yourself.

Discover the building blocks of creating an energetically aligned business that creates impact and generates income.

Get nourished. Be transformed. And get results.


Structured to support you as you explore, evolve and expand.

A coaching container for awakening humans with a calling to lead, build and create something … but aren’t quite sure what it is, where to start, or how to do it.


Personal Insights for Deeper Alignment

Learn to work and create in a way that supports and compliments your unique cosmic design


Practical Tools for Deep Transformation

Uproot, unpack and decouple from limiting beliefs, subconscious programming and purpose-blocking patterns


Sensory Practices for

Heightened Intuition

Engage your body as a channel for creativity and a vessel for receiving and sharing wisdom


Powerful Rituals for Energetic Attunement

Transmute energy and collapse old timelines as you manifest your purpose and the vision you have for your life

Sacred Space

Support, Guidance and Vulnerability

Be seen, celebrated, challenged and encouraged like never before as you expand into this next version of yourself.

Business Energetics

Strategies for Attracting Abundance

Discover the building blocks of creating an energetically aligned business that creates impact and generates income.

Get nourished. Be transformed. And get results.

Here’s how we’ll flow:

We will spend 2 hours, 8-weeks or 16-weeks together clarifying your purpose, exploring your passions and developing your purpose activation plan if you feel led to start a purpose-based business or community. The longer we work together, the deeper we will go.



Phase 1: The Being

Shadow Work Integration

We begin with a complete energetic clearing and nervous system reboot this includes guided meditations, breathwork and gentle movement.
We go deeper into the soma. You will learn how to partner with and listen to the language of your body and integrate its wisdom.
We dive into belief work. We will identify and deactivate the core belief and program that is blocking your purpose.
Bring your child-like creative energy and sense of adventure. This is where you will begin manifesting and experiencing your purpose-filled and Soul-aligned new reality.
We will create a clear MAP that details exactly how to create the reality you reimagined for yourself.
You will unlock your purpose path and archetype and know who you are here to become and what you are here to do.



Phase 2: The Bridge

Light Work Integration

We’ll explore your passions and connect them to your purpose path so you have a clear course of action.

Your purpose and passions do not need to be connected to your livelihood. But if you’re interested in doing what you love, while attracting an income, we would move into Phase 3.



Phase 3: The Doing

Purpose Activation

You will develop your rituals, set your Intentions and learn how to create from a space of energetic alignment, so that you can show up and serve in a way that is authentic and in integrity with who you are at your core.
We will develop your MAP and get crystal clear about what you want, why you want it and who you need to become to be an energetic match for it.
We will define who you feel called to serve, identify how your gifts align with their needs and clarify what results you will help them achieve.
We will establish your framework, clarify the value of your offering and how you will communicate it and identify the systems you will need to put in place so that you can attract people who need what you have to offer.

We will launch your MVP and develop your 90-day action plan so that you can continue to grow and evolve your business post launch.

In this phase, you will build your purpose-first vision from the ground up in a way that places You – how you are uniquely designed to work and create – at the center of it all.

Here’s how it works:


Choose your path and submit the brief application.


Select a date and time for a free chemistry call.


Enroll and reserve your desired weekly meeting day and time.


Create the space. Make this time sacred and non-negotiable.


Do the work. Prepare to dedicate 2-3 hours each week to this.


Reach out in between sessions if you need additional help.

In this transformative container you will:

That being said, this isn’t for everyone.

And that’s ok.

This is DEFINITELY NOT the space for you if…

This is ABSOLUTELY the space for you if…

Now, it’s time to expand boldly into your purpose.

Your journey awaits. When you are ready, choose your path:


$ 400
  • Get clear, out of your own way and on the path to your purpose​
Great For
New Clients


$ 1,600
  • Unlock your purpose and align with who you are uniquely designed to be​


$ 3,600
  • Transform your gifts into a purpose led and energetically aligned business


In Case you are wondering…

Workshops are 2-hour long intensives. We cover the first three cycles (Reset, Reconnect and Revisit) in the integration phase.

Containers unfold over a longer period of time, and as a result, we are able to go deeper to get the results you want.

The workshop is a great way to peer in and tune up when you already have a general idea of where you are stuck and want support working through that specific challenge.

Containers are perfect if you are at square one of your journey and want me to walk alongside you and provide structure and guidance every step of the way.

Astrology (specifically your natal chart) is one tool that I use to get more insights about your unique energetic makeup.

When most people think of astrology, they think about their Sun sign. The Sun represents your life force, will and vital energy; but it’s not all there is to you astrologically speaking. You are all of the signs. They are all a part of you to varying degrees. And, in addition to a Sun sign, you have a Moon, Rising, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Neptune and Chiron sign, a North and South Node and a whole slew of centaurs and asteroids present in your natal chart. They all have something to say about how you show up in life – either consciously or unconsciously. This cosmic mix is what creates your energetic signature – which is your special sauce. It’s the vibe or the energy you bring to the integration and activation of your purpose.

Natal astrology is not prescriptive. It is an invitation to explore your energetic potential. You get to choose how you will express that potential.

Yes, I do! We can discuss in more detail during your consultation; but here is a general outline:

  • 8-week Coaching Container (Integrate) – Payment $400/month for 4 months (2 sessions/month for 4 months)
  • 16-week Coaching Container (Activate) – Payment Option: $600/month for 6 months (2 sessions/month for 8 months)


My goal is to curate a welcoming and engaging space that supports real transformation. That means you will need to show up for yourself. This is a commitment that you should only enter into if you are truly prepared to show up and follow through. Please search your heart and Soul to assess your level of readiness before enrolling.

At this time, no. I want to ensure that you get the outcome that you desire, so I have structured these containers in a very specific way that does not allow for skipping steps.

I am considering offering a version of this phase as group coaching in future. If that’s something that would be of interest to you, send me an email and let me know.

An MVP is corporate speak for Minimal Viable Product.

In the “Activate” Path, we will develop your MVP, which means we will create the first iteration of your service or offering and launch it.

From there, you will be able to nurture, refine and expand upon it.


However if you choose the “Activate” Path, you will have all the tools you need to create and run a successful small business. If at some point you decide to go full-time, you will have the confidence and acumen to do so. But if that is not your path, the 1:1 Workshop or the “Integrate” Path will be transformative for you.

1.Choose your path and submit the short application. Note: There is no application for the 1:1 Workshop. You can schedule that directly.

2.Select a date and time for a free connection consultation. This is to ensure that we are a good match for each other.

3.Enroll and reserve your desired weekly meeting day and time. We will meet once a week live and 1:1 for 60-75 minutes. The number of sessions depends on the path you choose.

4. Create the space. Being held in this container requires commitment. Make this time sacred and non-negotiable. You are worth it.

5. Do the work. In addition to our in-session practices, you will be asked to complete assignments throughout the week. Be prepared to dedicate 2-3 hours each week to this.

6.Remember, you’ve got me. Reach out via email in between sessions if things come up or you are struggling to navigate through something and need support.

Purpose coaching in no way replaces the knowledge and expertise of a mental health, medical or financial professional. Please, always honor your own intuition and seek the appropriate guidance before engaging in any practices that may exacerbate any pre-existing conditions or situations.

Got more questions?


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