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Transform your calling into a spiritually and energetically aligned business.

I get it. You have a gift that you want to share or an idea that you want to bring to life, but you’re stuck wondering where do I start, how do I get out of my own way and will it support my livelihood? 

You’re not alone.

So many people remain captive to soul-sucking jobs and careers and reduce their dreams to “side hustles” or hobbies and never go all-in on their calling.

But that doesn’t have to be your reality.

If you feel called to create something in this world, if you feel a deep internal yearning and knowing that there is work you were placed here to do AND you want to serve humanity, share your gifts and earn a living, then keep reading.

I believe the world needs more people to go all in on their gifts, share their magic, become trailblazers and have more impact.

I also believe that you don’t have to sacrifice prosperity and abundance or follow a set of predefined rules that leave you stressed out, burned out and ready to tap out for good.

Hey, I’m Larissa.

I spent years trying to transpose a particular “success formula” onto my business only to find myself feeling burned out, uninspired and out of integrity.

How many experts have you listened to or online courses have you enrolled in only to feel like…

This all sounds great; but how do I actually make this work for me? Specifically for me?

And do I really have to do ALL of this for my business, idea or project to thrive?

You’re not alone in feeling this way. And there is a very real reason for it.

It’s called energetic misalignment.

Hey, I’m Larissa.

I spent years trying to transpose a particular “success formula” onto my business only to find myself feeling overwhelmed, uninspired and out of integrity.

How many experts have you listened to or online courses have you enrolled in only to feel like…

This all sounds great; but how do I actually make this work for me? Specifically for me?

And do I really have to do ALL of this for my business, idea or project to thrive?

You’re not alone in feeling this way. And there is a very real reason for it.

It’s called energetic misalignment.

Energetic misalignment happens when you are not working in flow with your unique energetic signature.

Your energetic signature is how you would innately approach your life, the world around you and what you feel called to create. It’s hard coded into your Soul’s frequency and your somatic design.

The truth is, we are not all here to approach work in the same way. The homogenized formulas and advice may work for some; but it won’t work for most.

When I started honoring my energetic signature, things began to shift significantly in my life and in my business.

If you find yourself stuck, while also feeling called to create, express and expand, the missing pieces that will shift everything for you are:

  • a reverence for your divine design
  • a clear vision, plan and strategy
  • and a guide 

I’ve created a personalized coaching journey that brings them all together.

Curate Your Calling: Your Personalized Purpose Activation Blueprint

Curate Your Calling is a 1:1 coaching container that is designed for humans who have a big dream or a divine calling and want to generate income, freedom and impact without feeling burned out, overwhelmed or out of alignment.

It’s for those who want to show up consistently; but struggle to define what that means or what that could look like for them. Creative Souls who need a clearly defined map to materialize their big vision.

We’ll incorporate your talents, your gifts, shadow work, somatics techniques and tried and true business strategies to help you unlock a holistic success formula that integrates and supports the way you are uniquely designed to create, work and show up in the world.

We’ll unpack and clear the most common challenges you are facing as you move your calling through the process of divine creation, such as:

These obstacles can seem insurmountable.

But having a coach who holds spirit and strategy sacred, is focused on your success and growth as an individual, will hold you accountable with love, grace and intention is often the difference between taking action and wasting your gifts.

I structured this container for those who are ready to rise and want someone who will guide, push and celebrate them as they take quantum leaps into the next level of their divine creatorship.

If that’s you, schedule a free call so we can learn more about one another.

Everything you need to follow your calling and expand into your purpose.

Curate Your Calling provides a clear and flexible framework to transform your calling into a spiritually and energetically aligned business that generates income and impact. We’ll start where you are to get you where you want to be.



Getting Out of Your Own Way

In the Foundation Phase, you will get crystal clear about your goals, your vision and your why. You will discover how to work in flow with your unique energetic signature to plan, build and grow your business and approach your creative process with ease and authenticity.

Business is both an intellectual science and instinctual art form. You will learn how to use your intuition and instincts to inform your business decision-making.

We are not here to approach work in the same way. We each have our unique perception and energetic capacity. You will discover how to plan, create and work in flow with your energetic rhythm and creative wave.

It’s impossible to arrive at a destination that has not been defined. We will get clear about your goals and values and create a roadmap that will get you exactly where you want to go in your business – without overwhelm and burn out.



Getting Into Your Flow

In the Integration Phase, we will unpack what it will take for you to become an energetic match for your vision. You will develop your rituals, set your Intentions, craft your story, define your audience, identify your unique value proposition and create your first offer.

Your business is like a sponge that absorbs everything that you put into it. That means, you have to regularly stay tuned into your vibration and tapped into the frequency of what you want to create. The only way to do this is to make taking care of you (body, mind and Spirit) non-negotiable. 

You will learn how to create rituals that reinvigorate and re-energize you so that you have the time, capacity and space to pour into your business.

No one has been where you’ve been. Your journey is 1 of 1. How you have faced adversity and overcome it, what motivates and inspires you, who you want to support and serve are the ingredients of your juicy and sacred story.

Having a story is only part of it. You’ll need to know how to share it so that you can connect with the people who need what you have to offer.

It’s really easy to “do too much” when you first start building your business. And that is a surefire way to drain, stress and burn yourself out.

We will create your Optimal Offer that will allow you to simplify your vision and scale slowly and expand intentionally. You will learn how to focus your efforts and give from your overflow so that your business is part of your life, not the entirety of it.



Standing in Your Authority

In the Transformation Phase, we will dive into your success metrics, pricing strategy and metaphysical money matters. You will create your abundance attraction plan and prosperity petition. We will identify the resources that you have and those that you will need to build your business and fulfill your vision.

Prosperity is in the purpose and money is in the mindset (and the marketing). We will develop a marketing plan that honors how you are uniquely designed to show up in the world. 

You will learn how to grow your business without having to be on social media 24-7 and how to stop chasing abundance so that it will become undeniably attracted to you.

To have a successful business, you have to know your numbers. How should you price your offering, what is your monthly revenue goal, how many sales will you need to reach it, how much should you invest to acquire a lead, how much will it cost you to acquire a new customer, and so on. 

This is the “unsexy” part of business; but it is imperative that you create a sound baseline. We’ll build out your financial model and get deep into the weeds of your business’ economics.

Money is energy. To be magnetic to money, you have to be a good steward of it and know how to put it to use effectively and efficiently. 

We’ll unpack the metaphysics of money and you’ll learn a revenue and profit allocation strategy that prioritizes the health of your businesses finances, as well as your financial well-being.



Handling Your Business

in the Activation Phase, we will craft your messaging framework and content pillars. We will identify the necessary technology stack for your business, build your first marketing funnel and establish your operating rhythms and cadences. Our last session will be a workshop where we will develop your 90-day action plan so that you can continue to grow and evolve your business.

Now that you have your marketing plan, you’ll need a messaging framework and content that speaks directly to the Soul of your potential clients or customers. And you’ll need a system in place that marries automation, on-demand and real time communication. 

Social media is great, but you’ll need a way to grow and nurture your audience on a platform that you own and control. And you’ll need a process that doesn’t require you to be “on” all the time.

We’ll create your Mindful Marketing Funnel. This system will free up your time and energy. You’ll learn how to attract, nurture and onboard clients or customers with ease using value magnets, email and content.

When it comes to starting or growing your business, technology is an ally. But it can be difficult to know which tools and platforms are right for you.

We’ll map out your Transcendent Tech Stack so that you don’t waste time or money on unnecessary shiny objects. You’ll learn what technology is applicable and needed at the various stages of your growth. 

Planning is fun; but you have to take inspired action for all of this to materialize. At this point, you will have a fully fleshed out business and marketing plan; and you will have begun laying the foundations for your business. In our final session, we will create your 90-day post-coaching action plan. 

This will have specific dates, action items and deadlines for activities that will continue to grow your business once our container closes.  

Take the first step.

Your purpose is my mission.

After experiencing a life-altering spiritual awakening in 2018 and a destructive (yet transformative) dark night of the Soul that lasted for over 4 years, I began my mission to empower other awakening humans to unlock their purpose and follow their calling.

Humans like me who have a deep inner knowing that they were placed here to serve humanity, share their gifts and attract abundance. Humans who want to experience the freedom of living, creating and working in alignment and with intention; but don’t know where to start and are having a hard time getting out of their own way. Humans want to do it their way – by creating their own template, following their own path and honoring their unique energetic signature.

a little about my path

I began studying astrology over 15 years ago because I wanted to better understand the Spirit and evolutionary path of myself and the people closest to me and later became a practicing astrologer.

I became a certified yoga teacher and energy healing practitioner over a decade ago after years of personal practice and study because I want to better understand the connection between life force energy and the body in all its forms.

I became a certified and practicing NLP and somatics coach because I want to better understand the connection between the mind, the body and the manifestation of our physical reality.

All of this while navigating a 20-year career as a marketing leader and business strategists in corporate America and witnessing firsthand the damage that a disconnection from purpose does to the mind, body and Spirit.

Everything is connected.

These seemingly “unrelated paths” (and all of the pit stops and treachery along the way) all converged to illuminate my purpose as a guide and inform the framework of this coaching container. They are all a part of the mix that makes up my energetic signature and how I uniquely approach activating the magic within others.

A transformative fusion of mindset, spiritual and business coaching.

I live by the mantra everything is connected. Mental blockages become spiritual challenges. And when the Spirit is challenged, so is your ability to unlock your purpose, follow your calling and create an energetically-aligned business. 

Curate Your Calling equips you with the tools and resources you need to master your mind, get out of your own way, chart your course and take strategic action.

That being said, this is not for everyone.

And that’s ok.

This is DEFINITELY NOT for you if…

This is ABSOLUTELY for you if…

Your journey awaits.

Are you ready to stop playing small and go all-in on your gifts?

Curate Your Calling is a sacred commitment to your personal growth, Soul expansion and evolution. You will be lovingly pushed, fiercely celebrated and abundantly supported. If you are serious about following your calling and creating a life rooted in purpose, authenticity and freedom, apply now.


$ 4,997
  • Get out of your own way and on the path to your purpose
  • Follow your calling and align with who you are uniquely designed to be
  • Transform your gifts into a purpose led and energetically aligned business
  • 16 75-Minute Weekly Working Sessions



Your energetic signature is how you (in a healthy mental, physical, emotional and spiritual state) would innately approach what you feel called to create. This is unique to everyone and is found by uncovering the subconscious beliefs and cultural conditioning that influences your choices, responses and patterns.

An energetically aligned business is one that allows you to show up and serve in a way that is authentic and in integrity with who you are at your core. It centers your energetic signature and is rooted in sound business strategy.

This isn’t about following someone else’s formula or “rules.” This is about creating your template for a successful, abundant and fulfilling business that generates income, honors your calling and impacts your audience, community and clients in a deeply profound way.

No. Curate Your Calling has a flexible, modular framework – meaning it is structured to meet you where you are. We do cover some intermediate and advanced concepts; however, we will work at your pace and honor your process as we move through each session. 

Yes, I do! If you choose to apply, we can discuss in more detail during your chemistry call.


My goal is to curate a welcoming and engaging space that supports real transformation. That means you will need to show up for yourself. This is a commitment that you should only enter into if you are truly prepared to show up and follow through. Please search your heart and Soul to assess your level of readiness before enrolling.

Nope, not at all.

However if you choose to do that, you will have all the tools you need to create and run a successful small business. If at some point you decide to go all-in on you (which I sincerely hope you will), you will have the confidence and acumen to do so. 

1. Submit the application. 

2. Select a date and time for a free chemistry call. This is to ensure that we are a good match for each other.

3. Enroll and reserve your desired weekly meeting day and time. We will meet live once a week for 16 weeks for 60-75 minutes. 

4. Create the space. Being held in this container requires commitment. Make this time sacred and non-negotiable. You are worth it.

5. Do the work. In addition to our in-session practices, you will be asked to complete assignments throughout the week. Be prepared to dedicate 4-5 hours each week to this.

6. Remember, you’ve got me. Reach out via email in between sessions if things come up or you are struggling to navigate through something and need support.

Still have questions? Reach out to me at


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