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Somatic Shadow Work Sessions

90 Minute Zoom Consultation

The Shadow can be our greatest ally or the thing that silently sabotages the life we want to create or the purpose we are here to fulfill. Suppressing the shadow can not only cause issues in our day-to-day physical reality, it can also result in anxiety, physical pain and dis-ease.

These sensations are often the result of energy that has built up and become concentrated in a particular system in the body. Eventually, this will negatively impact the function of the body.

Somatic Shadow Work Sessions are designed to stimulate and move stagnant energy using a combination of neurolinguistic techniques, somatic practices, meditation, visualization, movement and breath work.

Somatic Shadow Work Sessions

90 Minute Zoom Consultation


The Shadow can be our greatest ally or the thing that silently sabotages the life we want to create or the purpose we are here to fulfill. Suppressing the shadow can not only cause issues in our day-to-day physical reality, it can also result in anxiety, physical pain and dis-ease.

These sensations are often the result of energy that has built up and become concentrated in a particular system in the body. Eventually, this will negatively impact the function of the body.

Somatic Shadow Work Sessions are designed to stimulate and move stagnant energy using a combination of neurolinguistic techniques, somatic practices, meditation, visualization, movement and breath work.

Shining a light on what’s keeping you stuck

Ever feel like you’re ready for change but there is something holding you back? It’s likely due to a limiting belief that you adopted many years ago that is suppressing an aspect of you that you have not acknowledged, come to accept or learned to love. This creates what is known as The Shadow.

While it seems mysterious and elusive, The Shadow is revealed through your repetitive habits, responses and patterns – most of which you are not consciously aware of.  What you are conscious of is the cycles that you keep repeating and the results you keep getting.

During your session, we will get to know your shadow and unpack the experiences and choices that caused you to disconnect from it. You will learn how to face, accept and integrate it, and how to partner with it to unlock your purpose and manifest the life that you were meant for.

As the Spirit, so the mind. As the mind, so the body.

Everything is connected. 

Shadow Work is the alchemical process of making the unconscious and the subconscious conscious and it’s how we break free from self-imposed limitations, reclaim your power to make conscious and aligned choices and stand in your authority to manifest a life that is a reflection of your Soul’s purpose. 


Connect to the frequency of your purpose and the life you desire


Rewire default subconscious programs and limiting beliefs


Calm anxiety, ease acute pain and feel at home in your body again

Are you ready to embrace your darkness to magnify your light? Schedule your Somatic Shadow Work Session to discover how.


Connect to the frequency of your purpose and the life you desire


Rewire default subconscious programs and limiting beliefs


Calm anxiety, ease acute pain and feel at home in your body again


Understand of what needs to be healed within to achieve union


Questions are welcomed 

and encouraged


Refer back to your reading 

recording as often as needed

Big Love From The Tribe
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“Larissa started the reading by stating that she doesn’t predict the future. The reading looked at the stars and their alignment at the time of my birth and provided information about my God-given talents, challenges, and purpose. If you are on the fence because you think this is frivolous – please understand it’s a logical approach to better understanding ourselves and how we fit into the bigger picture of the Universe. This is not a crystal ball, but a helpful way emphasize your strengths and overcome challenges.”
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“Larissa’s delivery is warm, direct and uplifting. She provided a comprehensive explanation of my entire chart in a way that was easy to understand. The chart reading felt like she was diving into hidden parts of my soul. The reading shed light on some parts of my personality that I don’t often remember to think about. It helped me to better understand some of my patterns. Larissa also encouraged me to reflect on the information throughout the reading and invited me to ask questions to deepen my understanding.”
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“The most helpful thing was when she showed exactly where my traumas are, how they will affect my career, my voice, and my life in general. She helped me make sense of some of my childhood, and especially my parents. She helped me see the different paths to my career and my purpose, which definitely helped me make a decision I was not too sure about. She nudged me in the right direction of healing, and I have a better understanding and my role in this life.”
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"Everything about the reading was helpful! I got major insight into what drives me to act the way I do, I got clarification about my past experiences, and know how to set expectations for the future. Toward the end, Larissa asked if I needed more information or wanted to dive into anything specific. I appreciated that a lot because this allowed for an even deeper dive into some areas of my life. Again, you can get a generic read but absolutely nothing beats a personalized reading where you are allowed to go deeper into the areas that are most relevant/important to you."
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“My sister-friend and genius black woman, @innergawakening read my natal chart and it was SO GOOD. You should absolutely book a session – she is so warm, so thoughtful and so committed to helping black women. I STAN!”

Are you ready to embrace your darkness to magnify your light? Schedule your Somatic Shadow Work Session to discover how.


Frequently Asked Questions

Somatics refers to the physical sensations and perceptions that are experienced in the body. 

During your Somatic Shadow Work session, we will incorporate specific movements and experiential visualization practices to help you connect to the sensory impact of where you are challenged or blocked. 

This will reopen and reengage these pathways and strengthen the neurological connection between your mind and body.

Neurolinguistics is the science of using language, sounds and rhythms to awaken and reset the nervous system. The nervous system is deeply impacted by our unconscious and subconscious beliefs. Shadow work helps bring those beliefs to the surface. 

Once we can see our beliefs for what they are, we can then use language, words and simulated experiences (visualization) to rewire synapses in the brain and create the conditions for new beliefs to be formed. 

Breath work promotes relaxation, awareness and creates energetic flow in the body.

When we are in a challenged state, the first thing that happens is we stop breathing or begin breathing incorrectly.

There are many breath work practices that are designed to address specific energetic challenges. During your session, you will learn a breathing technique that will help you move through uncomfortable physical sensations that arise when you are in the midst of facing and integrating your shadow.

No. Somatic Shadow Work is not designed to specifically treat or diagnose any mental of physical illnesses. 

During your session, you will be coached through the areas you are feeling challenged as it relates to your purpose. 

Because the mind and body are so deeply connected, when you are able to overcome any mental blockage, you will naturally experience an improvement in your physical well-being and your outlook on life.

No. Depending on what we will be addressing in your session, you may be invited to stand, walk, spin, bend or twist. Adjustments will be made and provided to suit your physical capability. If you have restricted mobility, please indicate that on the booking page.

Be sure to drink plenty of water before your session and have a light meal or snack 30-minutes to 1 hour before.

All sales are final. Due to the nature of this work, I do not offer refunds.

I welcome any questions that you may have prior to scheduling. Simply email me at

Please provide 24-hours notice if you cannot make your scheduled date and time and need to reschedule. 

No shows will be not be refunded or rescheduled.

Somatic Shadow Work in no way replaces the knowledge and expertise of a mental health or medical professional. Please, always honor your own intuition and seek the appropriate guidance before engaging in any practices that may exacerbate any pre-existing conditions.


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