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How to change your life when you’re feeling stuck

How to change your life when you're feeling stuck

Does this sound familiar?

You’re moving along through life and all of a sudden BAM, it starts to hit you. Something significant is missing or something major needs to change. And you know that staying where you are and not taking action is no longer an option.

Yet, you feel paralyzed by the fear and uncertainty and your mind is creating all sorts of scary scenarios like…

What if people think I’m foolish or selfish?

What if other people are hurt by my choices?

What if I’m being delusional for thinking I can make this work?

What if I fail, lose or fall flat on my face?

Let me reassure you, these are very REAL concerns. The cool thing is, you can transcend the beliefs that are powering these fears. It’s all energetic.

And once you understand how energy works and fully embody your power to wield and influence it, you will become unstoppable.




If you want to create an extraordinary life, one that is energetically aligned, purpose-filled and abundant. but you just can’t seem to get out of your own way, you are in the right place. By the end of this video you’ll know exactly what you need to do to manifest the life you’ve been wanting or envisioning for yourself and how to do it.

Let me warn you, this isn’t a “say an affirmation, twinkle your nose, throw fairy dust and tada, you get a brand new life” type of video. Nope. This is the nitty gritty realness of transformation, transmutation and alchemy. And it begins with your beliefs.

Most of us have heard the saying “if you change your beliefs, you can change your life.” But if hearing this statement has you saying “that’s cool and all; but, how do I change my beliefs” you are not alone. Everywhere you turn, people (myself included) are talking about how important it is to shift your limiting beliefs, rewire your subconscious and create new beliefs if you want to manifest lasting change and success in your life. Well, I want to talk to you about how this actually works.

You can think of beliefs as programs that get downloaded onto your subconscious from our parents, siblings, extended family, society, religion, friends and a lifetime of experiences. They are formed as a way to cope with the realities of life and to create identities that help us fit in and gain acceptance.

So it’s not a matter of whether subconscious beliefs are right or wrong, good or bad. It’s a question of whether they limit you from the life you want or set you free to experience that life. Some subconscious beliefs are incredibly useful in keeping us physically healthy and safe. Others, not so much.

The good news is beliefs are energetic – which means they are malleable and changeable. And because they are programs, their code can be updated or rewritten entirely. But before you get into editing these programs, it’s important to understand how to read the code.

A code can be defined as a set of instructions, or a system of rules, written in a particular language.

This set of instructions or system of rules that I’m going to share with you is called metaphysics – specifically Universal Law. Metaphysics is the language of energy and the 7 Universal Laws that we are going to explore are the codes for upgrading, rewriting or rewiring your subconscious programming and changing your beliefs.

Remember, these are irrefutable laws of energy. They have been studied and taught for thousands of years by the ancients, ascended masters, mystics, scientists and philosophers around the world – originating in Egypt, Greece and India.

If the entire Universe is governed by these laws, guess what that means, so are you. If you are feeling stuck, aimless or seeking purpose, these 7 Universal Laws are how you shift out of those unresourceful states and manifest an entirely new reality.

The first of the 7 Universal Laws is “All is mind.” This is the Principle of Mentalism. It essentially means that which we create in our reality begins with that which we give space to in our conscious mind.

The mind is split into two branches – the conscious and the subconscious. In an ideal environment, the conscious mind is the gatekeeper. It decides what gets in and what stays out. What gets in, gets filtered through the subconscious mind. This part of the mind is kind of a “free for all.” It lets everything in. This is the center of our programming – where all of our beliefs (both limiting and expansive) get stored. Once something reaches the subconscious mind, it either conflicts with or validates our existing programming. From there, emotions and feelings are formed. Those emotions inform our behaviors and the feedback we receive from those behaviors create our patterns.

Dr. Wayne Dyer, in his book You Will See It When You Believe It said “You can use your mind in any way that you choose.” Your mind is a tool to be used to create the reality that your heart desires. It is not meant to be in control. It doesn’t know what to do with that kind of power.

The mind will look to prove what it believes and disprove what it does not. So if you believe that your purpose is elusive and you will never find it or that you cannot change your life, your mind will build consensus around this by attracting and entertaining people, situations and experiences that feed that belief and produce the same outcomes.

But, if you believe you can and will change your life, your mind will look for opportunities and evidence that it is possible. Your actions will support that belief – and that will attract people, situations and experiences that feed that belief and produce new outcomes.

So the first step in shifting your beliefs is to remember that “all is mind.”

The second of the 7 Universal Laws is “As above, so below.” If the energy is around you, it is within you and what is within you will manifest around you. Your external reality is a mirror for your internal environment and your internal reality is a byproduct of your external environment.

There is a symbiotic relationship between all planes of existence – the physical, the mental and the spiritual. They are all connected. If you shift one, you shift all three. This is the Principle of Correspondence.

This principle speaks to the power – your power to transmute energy simply by changing your environment – either mentally, physically or spiritually.

The third of the 7 Universal Laws states that nothing rests. Everything is in motion and everything vibrates at a particular frequency. There are an infinite number of frequencies and the frequency that you are resonating (or vibrating) with at any given moment is what you will attract. This is the Principle of Vibration.

Albert Einstein said: “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of what you want and you can’t help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy, this is physics.”

We spend too much time focusing on what we do not want. Too much energy avoiding what we do not want. So, it’s no wonder we get more of what we do not want. Because those thoughts keep us vibrating at the frequency of what we do not want.

Michael Beckwith, in his interview with Oprah Winfrey eloquently said, To get what we want, we have to become what we want. You can temporarily manipulate energy to get things; but you won’t hold onto it until you become it.

For example, if you want to obtain and maintain (meaning hold on to) financial abundance, you have to become abundant – mentally (to master how money works or be smart enough to hire or no partner with someone who already has this mastery), spiritually (to align with the energetics of wealth and exchange), emotionally (to be disciplined and intentional about your spending and investments) and physically (to take care of your body so that you can drastically reduce the chances of it becoming a liability).

The more abundant you are, the more abundance you will attract. This is true with anything you want to manifest in life.

The fourth of the 7 Universal Laws states that for everything, there is an equal and opposite. This is The Principle of Polarity. The Principle of Polarity helps us understand how to use what we perceive to be an undesirable state or condition to shift into what is desired. Or how to use what we perceive to be a desirable state or condition to help us identify what is undesirable.

The truth is, things that appear to be opposites are really just variations on a single theme.

Here’s an example:

Feeling stuck and feeling free are different poles of awareness. Both aspects bring a deeper level of clarity and understanding of the role the other plays in experiencing what we want and abstaining from what we do not want.

If you never knew what it felt like to be stuck, you will likely never desire to be free. You would not be able to conceive of what freedom means to you.

If you never knew what it felt like to be free, you would not realize when you’re stuck. Being stuck would become so normalized, you may not aspire to anything greater.

Freedom without structure can be just as much of a prison as being stuck. And for some people, there is a form of freedom in staying stuck because they don’t have to push beyond the boundaries of their comfort zone.

The Law of Polarity reminds us of the duality in all things. What you want, you already have. The degree to which you experience it depends on your perspective.

The fifth of the 7 Universal Laws states that everything flows in and everything flows out. The measure of swing to right is the measure of swing to the left. This is the Principle of Rhythm.

The thing about the Principle of Rhythm is that it manifests differently in unconscious vs. conscious states. This compensatory negative “swing” to balance out the positive is only observed in unconscious mental activity. In conscious mental activity, it is neutralized. The Hermetists teach that you can manifest a desired outcome and choose not to participate in the backward swing of that manifestation.

Have you ever experienced something really amazing…something you’ve always wanted, but you couldn’t allow yourself to be 100% happy about it because you were wondering “when the other shoe was going to drop?” And you wondered when was the “bad” going to show up to balance out all the good? It probably seemed like an automatic “unconscious” response.

And when the other shoe inevitably drops, because it has too, because your thoughts manifested it, you were able to say “see, I knew it was going to happen. It was just a matter of time.” And each time this occurs, your ability to be happy or feel deserving of good things gets diminished.

The Principle of Rhythm says that you can bypass this dynamic altogether simply by being conscious of it and choosing not to participate.

This does not mean that you can avoid experiencing undesirable events in your life simply by denying the possibility of them. It means you can escape being carried away by the effects of a “negative” swing when you do not sit in expectation of it.

The sixth of the 7 Universal Laws states that there are many causes; but no thing, no event happens by chance, only law. The Principle of Cause and Effect.

Every thing that happens is the result of some thing that came before it.
The movie The Butterfly Effect is the perfect example of this. It’s a story that illustrates how changing one thing, making a single alternate choice in the present moment – no matter how small – sends ripples through the Universe that create an entirely different reality in the future. The future impact can be seen or felt one second, one month, one decade or one lifetime from now.

You are both living and creating the future now. You are experiencing it and shaping it with every choice that you make.

The seventh of the 7 Universal Laws states that both masculine and feminine energy resides inside of everything. The Principle of Gender.

I’m going to keep this super simple. Masculine energy – productive, active, linear, thinking, intellect, foundation, the container. Feminine energy – receptive, passive, cyclical, feeling, intuition, creation, the flow. You are a combination of the two. We all are to varying degrees depending on our divine makeup and design. If you want to change your life in any meaningful way, you will need to access, awaken and integrate both aspects of yourself.

For example:
Desire without action – Stuck feminine energy that can’t manifest.
Action without purpose – Misguided masculine energy that can’t build.

If you observe the condition of your life right now, you may find that you suppress one energy in favor of the other. And that’s because of your programming – what you were taught to value and how you were encouraged to perform in order to survive, to gain acceptance or to be loved. While there is nothing inherently right or wrong about this, I encourage you to take inventory of the ways these beliefs are supporting you or blocking you from the life you want now.

We just covered a lot, so let’s do a quick recap. If you want to change your life, you must change your beliefs. Beliefs are energetic programs, so In order to change them, you need to understand their code or language. Metaphysics helps us decipher this code through the 7 Universal Laws. When you embody these principles and apply them to your daily life, you will transform and your reality will shift. Guaranteed.

Once you get into untangling the spaghetti of your beliefs, you’re going to see so many opportunities to blame and point the finger at something or someone outside of yourself for your circumstances. I implore you, please resist this urge and keep the focus on you. Because until you take accountability and own the choices that led you to where you are now, you will remain stuck.

Taking Ownership empowers you to make different, better aligned decisions. When you own it , you can change it.

If you’re wondering how do I take ownership of my life? There are three stages.

The first stage is Awareness. Remember the first of the 7 Universal Laws states – “all is mind.” The ability to change something begins with the acknowledgement that it needs to be changed. You can get all sorts of messages from within your body, from the spirit realm, from other people; but until your mind can conceive or receive the message that you are living in a state of misalignment and understand the true cost or misalignment, nothing will change.

The second stage is Acceptance. When someone is not ready to change, one of the hardest things is to get them to accept that they are not happy or that they are unfulfilled – even if the awareness is there. I’ll give you an example.

When I was miserable in my corporate career, earning a high six-figure salary, I used to vent to my Mom from time to time. Her response was always are you happy? Usually I would respond by saying something like no, but… or it’s ok, but…. And she would go aht, aht, get your but out of the way. I’d laugh and she would ask me again are you happy? And I would shamefully say no. Because I felt like I should be happy, thrilled, overjoyed even because physically and monetarily, I had what so many people are striving for. And that shame kept me in a state of denial about my happiness and trapped in a career that was draining my lifeforce.

This can apply to work, relationships, friendships, health, finances, home environment – any area of life where you might to shame yourself for not being happy or fulfilled.

Admitting that you want or need more is not the same as being ungrateful, greedy or entitled. It is how you get clear about what you want for your life, what you need to do, and who you need to become a match for it.

So, I’ll ask you – is your but in the way? Is it so big that it’s keeping you comfortably seated in a mental prison of your own creation?

What would it take for you to accept, admit and say I am not happy or I am not fulfilled or I want more? What will it take for you to stop excusing and rationalizing your desires away?

And the third and final stage of taking ownership of your life is Accountability. While your current situation may be the result of a multitude of factors – many that may have been beyond your control, your choices are yours and yours alone. How you respond and move forward is entirely up to you.

This may be a bit of an unpopular opinion and I stand ten toes down on it. Life is a single player game. Don’t get me wrong, we are not here to do life alone or to never consider others. We are meant to curate our own adventure. Live in alignment with our Soul’s core frequency and welcome all of the people, things and opportunities that vibrate at that frequency.

Contrary to what many people believe, life is not about sacrifice. It is about alignment. Sometimes that means we have to make difficult decisions – choices that on the surface may seem selfish – especially to those that are more interested in wearing masks and protecting an image that enables them to conform and comply with societal rules and norms. But the truth is, choosing to align with your Soul’s core frequency is the most selfless thing you can do. Because it takes confidence and courage and it creates a template for others for others to do the same.

This is how I define what it means to be the Authority in your life. From your seat of Authority you can intentionally manifest your life by making conscious choices. You live your life by design, not by default. You realize that change is accessible at every moment and you recognize your power to pivot, shift or change course.

The first two principles that we covered – Beliefs and Ownership – are deeply reflective and introspective. As we move into the principle of Authority, things become a lot more action oriented.

You already know that your life is a reflection of your beliefs and a sequence of choices that you have made. The Principle of Cause and Effect tells us that. That’s why it is important to:

  1. Be clear about the life you want to create.
  2. Align your actions.

You can’t get where you want to be if you don’t know where you want to be. There has to be a target destination. When you launch a GPS app, what’s the first thing you’re prompted to do? Enter your desired destination, right. When we talk about the target destination within this context, we’re not focusing on an actual place, we’re zeroing in on a desired feeling or core value. If there were a single feeling (or value) that you would want to experience when you wake up, as you go about your day and when you go to bed, what would it be? Is it peace, happiness, excellence, love…something else? I discovered that mine is freedom. And I am curating my life in the way that makes freedom the foundation. It is non-negotiable. That means every conscious choice that I make or action that I take, I’m checking in with myself and asking does this feel like freedom, will this lead to the experience of freedom, does this ultimately support the big vision that I have for my life? Sometimes the answer is obvious – it’s a clear yes or absolute no. Other times, I have to dig a little deeper. This practice has completely transformed the way I live, work and create.

And I know it will do the same for you.

I have a free workshop called How to Find Your Purpose that will take step by step through the process of getting crystal clear about what you want so that you can take aligned action and manifest it. It’s a simple three step process that I created and followed to change my life and activate my purpose. You get access to it by following the link in the description box below.

The last piece of this structure, the glue that holds this all together is Trust. We often think that trust is an energy that we extend to someone or something outside of ourselves.

But I’ve learned that trust is an inside job. It’s a muscle that gets stronger as you become more trustworthy. And you become more trustworthy by doing what you say you will do…by keeping promises to yourself and not compromising your core value.

If you can trust You to take care of, show up for and follow through for You, trusting that your life will unfold the way you want and need it to becomes that much easier.

While trust can mean being in a state of surrender while Universe/God/Source works its magic and brings everything together for you, there is an active component – a part that you play.

The work that you do to reprogram your beliefs, take ownership of your life, and stand in your authority is what prepares and empowers you to receive it all.

Quick storytime…

Early on in my journey, one of them introduced me to Abraham Hicks’ work.

In case you’re not familiar with Abraham Hicks, they talk a lot about getting in your boat and going downstream.

At a time when my entire existence was crumbling and I desperately craved ease and flow, this was music to my ears. You mean all I have to do to get out of “dark night of the Soul” hell is get in a damn boat. Sign me up! I just wanted to know where the boat was? How do I get in it? And who the heck is steering the thing?

I missed one crucial detail. The boat has to be built first. And guess who had to build it? Me!

So I couldn’t get in the boat, I couldn’t even find it because I had not done the work to build it.

I thought that yoga, astrology, crystals, herbs, meditation, chakra healing was the work. But it isn’t.

I realized that if I wanted to experience ease, flow freedom and purpose, I had to get clear about what was in the way. That level of clarity only became accessible once I began doing the actual work to build my BOAT. These four pillars – Beliefs, Ownership, Authority and Trust provided the structure that I needed to flow downstream to the life that I want. And I’m still flowing. Hands in the air, on the ride of my life.

Trust is the main component that is keeping everything afloat. If you’re wondering how do I learn to trust myself? Two things:

The first is to keep your word. Show up for yourself and follow through on promises you make to yourself.

The second (and this is a big one) Develop an intimate connection with your intuition. Innerstand how your Intuition speaks and start honoring it.

  • Intuition can present itself in a myriad of ways. For example, through:
  • the gift of foresight – which we all clairvoyance (activated via the sixth or third eye chakra)
  • the gift of somatic sensing, which we call clairsentience (I call this the vibe-ometer – this is activated via all seven chakras)
  • the gift of sound (activated in the fifth and seventh chakras) – where we hear music, frequencies, a voice or specific words, or you may even channel – we call this clairaudience
  • the gift of inner knowing, which we call claircognizance (activated via the seventh chakra),
    clairgustance, which is where we have the ability to taste things that we are not actually eating (this is activated via the second chakra)
  • and clairalience, where we can smell things that are not physically present (this is activated via the first chakra).
  • These gifts are how your higher self speaks to you and guides you. It’s like an inner GPS that keeps you en route and helps you get exactly where you want to go. I feel each of us has all of these gifts; however, some will come through more strongly than others.

The way you tap into your intuition may or may not look like the next person’s. We all have our individual and unique ways of connecting with this energy. And I encourage you to be open to exploring what your gift or gifts are, so that you can have a deep and meaningful connection with your intuition. Because to trust your intuition is to trust yourself.

Here’s the thing, tapping into the power of these gifts requires us to get still, tune in and then take action.

The challenge is:

We’re too busy.
Hustle culture and being constantly on the go and on the next thing keeps us in a state of doing. We’ve lost the beauty and serenity of simply being. It’s in this state of being that our intuition is most pronounced and clear.

We’re too distracted.
Our faces are planted in devices and screens all day and we constantly have the voices of friends, relatives, celebrities and the media in our ears that we can sense our own intuitive nudges.

We’re too afraid.
Sometimes our intuition will lead us down paths that are unfamiliar and invite us to make changes that are big and scary. It’s easy to ignore or avoid the things we fear.

So what is the solution?

Well, you get to stand in your authority and choose. Is the change you’re seeking worth the change you’re avoiding? Which price are you willing to pay? I invite you to slow down and feel deeply into this inquiry. Ask your higher self for guidance and the courage to move in flow with the answers you receive.

You know, I get that there’s a lot to unpack here. And still, I don’t subscribe to the belief that change or manifesting anything in life has to be hard. I do believe it requires both intention and effort. The difficulty is in the resistance and at the root of resistance is fear.

But be afraid and do it anyway. Because what’s on the other side of your fear is that extraordinary life that you’ve been dreaming about and an incredible adventure along the way.

I appreciate you and I celebrate you for showing up, jumping in and exploring this work. If you want to go deeper, be sure to sign up for my free workshop How to Find Your Purpose and subscribe to my newsletter The Wave, also free.

And of course, if you haven’t already, subscribe to the channel and like this video so that more people can discover it. I love you bunches and I will connect with you again really soon.

It’s not lost on me that no matter how big or small, change can be intimidating and confusing. So, in this video, I’m breaking it all down, giving you the nitty gritty spiritual and practical insights on how to actually change your life.

We’re going deep in this one, so cozy up and dive in if you want to learn:

  • How to use the laws of energy to create sustainable change in your life
  • How to get unstuck and take ownership of your life – now
  • How to reclaim your authority and stand in your power
  • How to uncover the language of your intuition and start trusting it


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I’m sharing my entire four-part framework for getting out of your own way and on a path to manifesting the life of your dreams. It’s the path I followed during some of the darkest moments and one I lean into whenever I am feeling called to shift or change course in my life.

Changing your life (in any way) takes intention and courage. Trust that you have everything you need to make it happen.

Enjoy the video (or podcast) and let me know what comes up for you.

Much Love and Gratitude,


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