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“Beginning Anew”

Element: Thought · Planet: The Sun

Function: Hormone Distribution

Gland: Pituitary

Location: Crown of Head

Represents: Consciousness, Higher Self

Story: Disconnection

The crown chakra is the seventh and final energy center in the traditional Hindu system. It is considered to be the seat of enlightenment and is governed by the element of thought. It is located at the crown of the head and rules the pituitary gland – which is known as the master gland because it controls the release of hormones. It tells the organs and glands in the endocrine system what to do.

The seed of consciousness is planted at the crown chakra. Just as consciousness is infinite, we too are infinite because we are consciousness witnessing itself. Our Spirit (the true Self) is boundaryless, contained only by our flesh and our beliefs. Like the pituitary gland that is no more than the size of a pea, yet has authority over numerous bodily systems and functions, our tiny human existence has the power to shift and transmute the energy in this vast and interconnected universe simply by channeling the element of thought.

Thought is not the same as belief. Beliefs come from repetitive thoughts that we create an identity around. They are rooted in ego. They can stem from past experiences or they can be taught and passed down through generations. Thought is the observer of belief. It is rebellious. It seeks freedom and in its purest essence is found in moments of peace and stillness. Thought is free of attachment and control. It is the byproduct of consciousness. It transcends physical reality, yet it is also the creator of it.

The Sanskrit word for the crown chakra is Sahasrara (sah-has-rah-rah), which means beginning anew. The phrase joy comes in the morning comes to mind. There is often a renewed sense of optimism and hope that follows the dark of night. There is a sense that we can start over. We can think new thoughts, dream bigger dreams and manifest new realities. A new day dawns, a new season emerges, and suddenly we are ignited by the limitless potential that exists within the“what if?” Like the dance between Shiva (divine masculine) and Shakti (divine feminine) that imagines and creates the beauty of each spring and summer and reimagines it all every fall and winter to begin anew, our radiant consciousness has the power to create realities, tear them down and rebuild again if they no longer serve us.

Healing through the chakras keeps us from rebuilding the same realities based on our pain and fear-based beliefs. This is why the path to freedom begins with our roots. Each chakra relies on the energy of the one that precedes it. When our roots are strong and healthy, we grow, expand and bear the fruit that has the capacity to nourish and heal those around us.


  • Spacey and ungrounded
  • Not feeling at home in one’s body
  • Nagging sense that something is missing
  • Depression

Under Active:

  • Hyper-Individualism
  • Rigid boundaries and control issues
  • Over thinking
  • Anxiety


  • Drastic weight loss or gain
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Digestive issues
  • Acute respiratory illnesses
  • Headaches, dizziness
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Foot, ankle or knee pain

The Sun governs the crown chakra and is the source of light and consciousness. The Sun represents optimism, radiance, warmth, divine intelligence, nourishment, healing, reliability and endurance. It is the ruler of our solar system. All planets revolve around it and take their cues from it. The Sun signifies our spirit, life force, Prana, Chi, our Ase. It sustains life and transforms it. Too much solar energy makes one tyrannical, pompous, boastful, selfish and cunning. Too little solar energy makes one cold, restrained, pessimistic, somber and unsure.

Final Thoughts

Spiritual awakenings can be painful, disorienting and messy. The ego reluctantly gets put in its place, and all of the stories and memories that have fed it throughout your life get brought to the surface to be confronted and healed. This can cause ascension symptoms, which is the release of stagnant energy through one or more chakras. As you release this energy, you get more grounded, your Spirit becomes lighter, your aura expands and your vibration rises.

There is no shortage of information out there telling you how to balance your chakras with yoga, meditation, fragrances, herbs, crystals, foods, etc. If it were that easy, so many of us wouldn’t be hurting and still left looking for answers. True healing requires more than a bandage to cover the wounds. We have to clean out the gunk so the hurt can stop and the pain can heal. If you have been called to help raise the consciousness of humanity and the vibration of this planet, the mission begins with you.

For more support, healing and insights, be sure to download the Wake Up to Your Magic Free Audio Series. If you want to go even deeper, schedule a 60-minute or 90 minute natal astrology reading or learn more about the Awakening Soul Experience.

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