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How to fulfill your life purpose, calling and mission

find your purpose

It finally happened. Like you, I got serious about figuring out my life’s purpose and went on a quest to find it. What I found was not my life’s purpose, no, no. Instead, I encountered massive anxiety and stress over not being able to find my purpose and confusion about how my purpose differed from my calling and my mission. If you can relate, stick around because in this video I’m going to talk about some key distinctions between your life calling, life purpose and life mission and share what you can do to embrace and fulfill all three of these divine influences.



It finally happened. Like you, I got serious about figuring out my life’s purpose and went on a quest to find it. What I found was not my life’s purpose, no, no. Instead, I encountered massive anxiety and stress over not being able to find my purpose and confusion about how my purpose differed from my calling and my mission. If you can relate, stick around because in this video I’m going to talk about some key distinctions between your life calling, life purpose and life mission and share what you can do to embrace and fulfill all three of these divine influences.

What is my calling?

A calling is a feeling. It’s that nudge, a push or a tugging at your Soul that is urging you to move in a particular direction. We all have it. Most people will ignore this because it will push us to go against the grain of our conditioning.

I came across a video by astrologer Laura Matsue earlier this week where she was responding to the question: how do I help my friends and family wake up. She quoted evolutionary astrologer Jeffrey Wolf Green who stated that 70% of the population lives in a consensus state, where thoughts and ideas are disproportionately formulated from external sources like family, the media, government, celebrities, etc versus an internal knowing. Which implies that only 30% of us reach what he calls “the individuated state” – where one learns to rely on their intuition and inner guidance to derive their sense of self and their map of the world. I’m not sure about the accuracy of his percentages; but I think it’s pretty safe to say that anecdotally, based on the state of the world, this is where the majority of us are operating.

In the consensus state, the conditioning is so loud that it actually drowns out the call from the Universe to change course. There is such an attachment to the known and an over reliance on, what Laura refers to as “the herd mentality” that the perceived pain of walking away from it is much greater than the actual pain of staying attached to it – even though remaining attached to it leaves one in a perpetual state of disconnection from themselves.

You know those really intense moments when you feel “something is missing” or “there has to be more”? Instead of it feeling like the Universe having its foot in your back, in the most uncomfortable position possible. It feels more like a light tap on the shoulder for most people. Super simple to brush off and ignore. But not for you. I imagine that your calling, that feeling inside of you is pretty strong, which is why you’re here watching this video. And I imagine that the biggest, burning question you have right now is what is my purpose?

What is my purpose?

First, of all, I celebrate you for being in this space. Because most people will not have the courage to venture beyond the calling.

That being said, it can be easy to get hung up on finding our purpose because we think that once we find it we will know exactly what we should be doing if we want to be happy and fulfilled. But here’s the thing…purpose isn’t about doing. It’s about being. Being the light. Because you know you are a light being, right? And you have the power to light up any dark corner of your life and in the world, simply by being more of you.

Stop looking for your purpose. It’s not something that can be found outside of yourself. Maybe instead of asking how do I find my purpose, ask yourself, how can I be more of me? All of me? When you reframe the question, you place yourself in a position of autonomy – as the Source of both the question and the answer.

I get a vision of a lamp that is turned on but it has layers of thin fabric draped over it (totally a fire hazard; but that’s the vision, so stay with me). It creates a lovely ambiance inside the room. Very sexy and seductive as it’s hiding stains on the carpet, clothes piled up over in the corner, the plants are browning and wilting. But as long as the light stays dim enough, you’d never know it. You would never see the truth. If you start removing the fabric from the lamp, one piece at a time, the room gets a bit brighter. And you can clearly see all of the dysfunction and nastiness that surrounds you. But now that you can clearly see it, you can do something about it.

Light shatters illusion. It’s similar to the way many of us walk through life, glamoured by the veneer and filters that create artificial light to disguise the truth. You see this everywhere from social media to the workplace and maybe even in your family and friend circles. People who are so afraid of their own light that they create a facade to keep up an image that they aren’t even connected to because buying into the illusion is easier and more convenient than accepting the truth. But I’ve learned that our light (the light inside of each and every one of us) outshines anything that can be manufactured. It leaves no room for falsehoods because nothing false can stand in the presence of Truth.

What is my mission?

Once you are tapped into the truth, once you are turned on and turned up, your mission is to go out into the world and light it up. This is what we refer to as lightwork – which is just a fancy word for following your heart. I remember back in 2020 when the world was in a hyper heightened state of unrest, I started to see memes about activism and how it looks different for each person. Here’s one that I found particularly useful. I find the same to be true about lightwork. We all share the same purpose – to be the light. However, our mission – how we go from a state of being to a state of doing or shining our light – is unique. Some of us are guides, channels, priestesses, shamans, medicine women, energy readers, writers, artists, musicians, teachers and so on. Your mission is to share your passions and gifts with the world without dimming your light even in the face of your fears, shortcomings and imperfections. Recognizing that your light will be what someone else needs to find their way through their darkness. You modeling this for others starts to create a new template for what it means to follow one’s heart, be authentic, sovereign and in integrity.

I’d love to know where you are in this process. Are you feeling those nudges and inner whispers of your calling, journeying inward to connect with your purpose or are you on your mission and lighting up the world? Maybe two or all three are happening for you at the same time? Leave a comment below and let me know.

And while you’re at it, make sure you give this video a like, subscribe to the channel and share it with someone who may need to hear this message.

Ok, let’s recap. Your calling is a feeling you get to pivot, change or shift course in your life. It’s the sense that something is missing or not in alignment. It’s also where we have to make the choice to detach from the herd and be willing to walk alone. Your purpose is to be the light by connecting to the divine or Source energy that dwells within you. This is where we put in the work to heal whatever is dimming our light and keeping us small. Your mission is to go out into the world and radiate that light in your own unique and special way – to model for others what it looks like to follow your heart, trust your inner guidance and choose freedom over conformity.


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