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Unlock the map to your “what’s next?

Discover your personalized roadmap to step into the next phase of your life with purpose, clarity and confidence.

90-Minute Zoom Consultation

Life Strategy Consultations

Are you ready to make a major change in your life, but aren’t sure what that looks like, where to start or exactly how to make it happen?

Do you find yourself spinning your wheels, ruminating and dreaming about what could be; but you’re still stuck in the same cycle or situation year after year?

My friend, it’s time to stop hoping and wishing and start preparing for your “what’s next”

You can shift the direction of your life when you are clear about what you want, you believe you deserve it and you have a clear and embodied roadmap to get there.

Clarity is power. Beliefs determine your limits. A map illuminates the path.

These are the three elements that drive and support lasting change and they are the foundation of the journey we take during your Life Strategy Consultation.

This experience is a personalized masterclass and interactive workshop that will end the confusion, anxiety and doubt that is getting in the way of you taking action. 

By the end of your session, you will have all the tools and support you need to confidently step into the next phase of your life.

What’s next for you and how will you get there?

Society will have you believe that it is acceptable to live life by default, that playing small keeps you safe and following convention is how you win, that it’s too risky to pivot, too unrealistic to go after what you desire.

But this is all an illusion.

You can break free from an unhealthy or unfulfilling job, career path, relationship or environment. You can transform an uninspired reality into one that lights you up, turns you on and is on purpose. You can shift or change course in your life at any time. There are no ”one size fits all” rules. The only “right” way is the path that is correct for You.

A Life Strategy Consultation will help you unlock that path.

This experience will be transformative for you if:

If you’re ready to stop wasting your time and energy wondering and worrying about what’s next and start owning your power to manifest it, schedule now to get started.
Client Reflections
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Larissa is amazing. She shed light on things that I hadn’t realized. She taught me how to reframe my thinking process. It was a great experience to get her insight. This services is so worthwhile and I definitely would recommend this others.
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Larissa helped me make sense of some of my childhood, especially my parents, and how that has affected my career choices, my voice and my life in general. She helped me see the different paths to my career and my purpose, which definitely helped me make a decision I was not too sure about. She nudged me in the right direction of healing and I have a better understanding and my role in this life.


Frequently Asked Questions

All sales are final. Due to the nature of this work, I do not offer refunds.

I welcome any questions that you may have prior to scheduling. Simply email me at

Please provide 24-hours notice if you cannot make your scheduled date and time and need to reschedule. 

No shows will be not be refunded or rescheduled.

Life Strategy Consultations in no way replace the knowledge and expertise of a mental health or medical professional. Please, always honor your own intuition and seek the appropriate guidance before engaging in any practices that may exacerbate any pre-existing conditions.


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