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Human Design for Entrepreneurs & CEOs

How to Build a Small, Mighty & High-Functioning Team with Human Design

Understanding each team member's Human Design can reveal individual strengths, communication styles, and decision-making processes. This knowledge can be transformative in creating a harmonious, efficient, and successful team.
Larissa Nicole - Unlocking Your Team's Potential with Human Design

Human Design is a system that offers a unique framework for understanding individual characteristics, decision-making processes, and how we interact with the world. 

It is also a powerful tool for fostering team building and alignment. Understanding each team member’s Human Design can reveal individual strengths, communication styles, and decision-making processes. This knowledge can be transformative in creating a harmonious, efficient, and successful team.

Each person has a distinct Human Design, which can be categorized into five types: Manifestors, Generators, Manifesting Generators, Projectors, and Reflectors. Within these types are more specific aspects, including Strategy, Authority, Profile, Centers and more, all of which further refine our understanding of how each person operates.

Why Use Human Design to Build Powerful Teams?

Human Design provides insights into how each person is naturally wired to interact, communicate, and work. For small business teams, this knowledge can:

  • Enhance Communication: Understanding each team member’s design allows for better communication by respecting their unique styles.
  • Optimize Workflow: Assigning tasks based on each person’s strengths can increase productivity and efficiency.
  • Improve Decision-Making: Recognizing individual decision-making processes can help the team move forward with more clarity and confidence.
  • Foster Collaboration: Understanding each member’s role and how they best contribute to the team creates an environment of mutual respect and support.

The 5 Human Design Types as Team Members

Before we get into specific strategies, let’s take a look at each of the five Human Design types and how they contribute to and influence team dynamics.


Role in Team: Manifestors are the initiators and natural leaders. They have the unique ability to start things and bring new ideas into action. However, they thrive when given freedom and autonomy rather than being micromanaged.

How to Support Them: Manifestors work best when allowed to set their own pace and take the initiative. Inform them about team goals, then let them explore ways to contribute. Encouraging them to communicate their ideas openly and honestly can foster a culture of innovation within the team.


Role in Team: Generators are the builders, known for their incredible energy and perseverance. They thrive when they are engaged in work they love and can sustain projects over the long term. When aligned with their passion, they bring life force energy to the team.

How to Support Them: Provide Generators with tasks that excite them. Allow them to respond to work opportunities instead of forcing them into action. When they follow their natural urges, they bring a sense of vitality and drive that can inspire the entire team.

Manifesting Generators

Role in Team: Manifesting Generators are multi-taskers and highly efficient. They can initiate projects like Manifestors while also sustaining effort like Generators. Their natural tendency to handle multiple responsibilities makes them valuable assets to any team.

How to Support Them: Encourage Manifesting Generators to pursue diverse interests and projects. Allow flexibility in how they complete tasks, as they often find shortcuts that streamline processes. Keeping them engaged with various challenges ensures their enthusiasm and productivity remain high.


Role in Team: Projectors are the guides and managers of energy. They have a unique ability to see how to optimize systems and workflows, making them excellent at organizing team dynamics. However, they don’t have the same energy levels as Generators or Manifesting Generators, so they need to manage their energy carefully.

How to Support Them: Recognize and invite their input. Projectors excel when their expertise is sought after. Avoid overburdening them with tasks; instead, position them in roles where they can oversee, strategize, and provide guidance. Acknowledgement and appreciation for their insights go a long way in keeping them engaged.


Role in Team: Reflectors are the evaluators, offering a unique perspective by mirroring the team’s energy and dynamics. They sense the health of the group and can provide valuable feedback on the overall team environment.

How to Support Them: Reflectors need time to make decisions, so be patient with their process. Encourage them to observe and provide insights into team dynamics, as their reflections can highlight areas of improvement. Keeping an open line of communication with Reflectors helps maintain team alignment and health.

Building a Cohesive Team Using Human Design

Now that we have an overview of the five Human Design types, here’s seven practical strategies that you can implement to build your dream team with Human Design.

1. Understand Each Team Member’s Design

The first step in applying Human Design to team dynamics is to understand each team member’s type, strategy, authority, and profile. This process involves running Human Design charts for each person. By knowing each member’s design, you can start to see where natural strengths and challenges may arise.

  • Practical Tip: Schedule a team workshop to introduce Human Design and explore individual charts. This can be a valuable team-building exercise and an opportunity for everyone to learn about their unique styles.

2. Tailor Roles and Responsibilities to Individual Strengths

Leverage Human Design insights to assign roles and responsibilities that align with each person’s natural strengths. For example, Generators and Manifesting Generators thrive when given work that excites them, while Projectors excel in roles that allow them to strategize and guide.

  • Practical Tip: When creating a project plan, consider each team member’s design. Allow them to choose tasks that align with their strengths and natural inclinations.

3. Foster Open Communication

Understanding Human Design types can significantly enhance communication within the team. For instance, Manifestors prefer direct and straightforward communication, while Projectors benefit from recognition and invitations to share their insights.

  • Practical Tip: Create communication guidelines based on each member’s Human Design. Encourage team members to express their needs and preferences for how they like to communicate and receive feedback.

4. Optimize Workflow and Processes

Each Human Design type has a different way of working. Some team members, like Generators, may thrive in structured environments with clear goals, while Manifesting Generators may prefer flexibility and the ability to multitask. Adjusting workflows to accommodate these differences can boost productivity.

  • Practical Tip: Implement flexible work arrangements, such as allowing team members to choose their work hours or methods for completing tasks. Regularly assess workflow processes to see if they align with each member’s design.

5. Facilitate Decision-Making

Human Design provides insight into how each team member makes decisions, known as their “Authority.” For example, some individuals may need time to make decisions (Emotional Authority), while others might rely on their immediate instincts (Splenic Authority). Understanding these differences can prevent misunderstandings and streamline team decisions.

  • Practical Tip: In team meetings, respect each person’s decision-making process. Allow space for those who need time to consider their options, and encourage others to share their initial responses. This approach can lead to more thoughtful and aligned team decisions.

6. Create a Diverse Team Environment

Having a mix of Human Design types within a team can create a well-rounded dynamic. Manifestors bring new ideas, Generators provide sustained effort, Manifesting Generators offer versatility, Projectors guide energy, and Reflectors give insightful reflections on the state of the team. Recognizing these roles and encouraging each member to contribute in their unique way fosters an energetically diverse, complementary and cohesive team environment.

  • Practical Tip: During team discussions, actively seek input from each design type. Ensure that everyone feels heard and valued, included and supported. Remember that the input you are seeking may be shared in a variety of ways. This will be determined by the energetic mix of your team.

7. Use Human Design for Conflict Resolution

Misunderstandings and conflicts are natural in any team. Human Design can be a powerful tool for resolving conflicts by revealing underlying differences in communication styles, decision-making processes, and work preferences.

  • Practical Tip: When conflicts arise, revisit each person’s Human Design. Understanding their perspective can help identify the root of the issue and guide you toward a resolution that respects each individual’s design.

Human Design is a valuable tool for building a cohesive and dynamic small business team. By understanding and honoring each team member’s unique design, you can create an environment where everyone feels seen, appreciated, and empowered to contribute their best. Whether you’re a Manifestor leading the charge, a Generator sustaining the work, or a Projector guiding the process, each role is essential to the team’s success.

Integrating Human Design into your team dynamics fosters better communication, collaboration, and workflow optimization. It allows for a deeper appreciation of individual differences and promotes a supportive work environment where all members can thrive.

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